Chapter 25

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Day 29 of Quarantine

I can't take it. I'm getting out this house. Dad won't let me leave. He's scared I'm gonna get the Rona. This shit dead. I lay on my bed. Bored. I gotta get out the house. I drop a message in the group chat. 'Can't take this. Let's go somewhere.' Grace texted back first. Of course. 'One step ahead of you. Shawn is having a Quarantine party I'm going tmo at 9' I got so excited. I texted Kaye. 'I need a favor can you come to my door tomorrow and ask if I can come outside say u havin a movie night or som. I need a cover sis plz.' She texted back quic with a gotchu. Ayyee.

I was extra nice to my dad all day. I need him to let me go outside tomorrow. Abigail has been spending the night here. Why he can't go to her house. Leave me alone. I guess I should be more happy for him. I think he really likes Abigail. But... I kinda don't think I care.

Dad, Abigail and I had dinner and watched a movie. I can't tell you how many movies I have watched. I just keep doing cuz it's my only time to snuggle with my Dad. After the movie I head upstairs and get in the shower. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Day 30 of Quarantine

Today I woke up in a good mood. Great mood actually. I header downstairs. Abigail had already made breakfast. I told her good morning and thank you. I sat down to eat. Dad smiled at me. I think he celebrates any possitive non forces interaction I have with her.

For the rest of the day I was on my best behavior. I cleaned my bathroom and room. I didn't want him to be able to say anything to me. Around 5 there was a knock on the door. Yes. I was in my room listening. It was Kaye. "Good afternoon Mr. Tys dad. We having a movie night at Max's house and we wanted Ty to come. We were thinking of having a sleepover too." She's a genius. I didn't even think of a sleepover. I heard my dad say something and close the door. I hope he said yes. I hear him climbing up the steps. I put on my best bored pose.

Dad knocked on my door. I rolled over and looked at him. "Your friend came to the door. Kaye. She asked if you could spend the night at her house. I said yes." I celebrated in my head. "But look here. If they smoke, you call me and I will come get you. If you smell like smoke when you come home, that's yo ass. I don't care if you smoked or not. Understand?" I nodded. "Also you've been nice to Abigail lately and I know you're bored. I hope this will alleviate some of that." I got so excited. He left my room.

I ran to my dresser and got my bag. I threw my party fit in the bag. And all the other necciseties. I was about to run out the door when I heard dad yell my name. I stopped. He came down the steps. "Love you be safe." He gave me a hug. I hugged him back. Then I ran out the door to Kayes house.

I knocked on her door. She came out. "We going to Max house." Well okay. We walked to Max house. Everybody was in her room. I love seeing the gang. I hugged everybody then sat down. G looked at me. "Nice to have you back. Thought I'd never see you again. Where you going anyway?" I smiled. "I'm going to a party. This kid from school having it. I'm so excited to go." Dj was laying on the floor. "That's sounds fun as fuck." He said. Everybody nodded. I got excited. "Y'all should come!" They looked at me like I was crazy. Max spoke first. "Dj the only one that can drive and what's the cover gone be?" Kaye was next. "We can all say we spending the night at each other house." That sounded good but... Geffrey beat me to it. "Who house we actually gone sleep at?" We all got quiet. "We could sleep outside or in the car?" Said Dj. Everybody looked at him. "Hell nawl."

While they discussed I told Grace about the plan. Grace decided that she can pick up Xavier and I'll ride with Lloyd. At the end of their conversation they agreed that they would just sneak into Max's house when all was done. We got our ride arrangements down and decided it was time to get ready. It feels different having girls to get ready with to sneak out. Usually Grace and I get ready on FaceTime. That's fun and all but this is different. We all put on something cute. Kaye and Max are so pretty. We wait for Dj to get back to the house. He comes in looking cuter than ever. Him and G. I look away.

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