Chapter 29 The final chapter!

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Four months later.....

  "Ky'Mon can you hand me his blanket he's spiting up." Beauti asked as she put her baby boy onto her shoulders as she burped him.

"Yea here." Ky'Mon said giving her Amor blanket.

"He ate that whole bottle?"

"Yea here I'm going to go bathe Kylie so we can get ready for bed."

"Ight." Ky'Mon said as he took Amor into his arms. He was glad to have his family back and not only that he was holding his first born son. Ky'Mon bonded with his son as he waited for his two favorite women to get done.

"Kylie are you sleeping with us tonight?" Beauti asked her daughter.


"Okay get up in the bed. Baby I'm going to take a shower can you handle them?"

"Ion know? Kylie can I handle y'all?"

"I don't know daddy can you?"

"Haha y'all funny. Baby did you go to the store and get what I asked for?"

"The pads? Yea baby they're up under the sink." Ky'Mon said as he turned the tv to cartoons for Kylie.


"You're welcome."


Beauti's POV....

  Omg this shower felt so good. I was extremely happy that my family was slowly coming back together.

Ky'Mon is doing a lot better and I can really see the change in him. He was really excited when we found out we were having a little boy. We went straight to the stores we spent three grand on our baby boy that day well of course we brought Kylie a few things she even picked out a gift to give Amor when he was born. She loves her baby brother. Labor was not easy at all. I stayed in labor 32 hours with him. He weighed 8 pounds even. I was kinda happy I stayed in labor that long because it gave Ky'Mon the experience that he missed with Kylie. Omg do y'all remember that! Lawd I wanted to kill that old bitch! I went through some shit but I've grown and I must say I'm a strong ass woman.

"You smell good." Ky'Mon said as I snuggled up under him.

"Yea I figured you missed that smell." I said laughing.

"Fred called and said he'll be over tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm so glad I gave him a try. He's such a great dad and a wonderful grandpa."

"Yea he's a good dude."

"Why you let her go to sleep?"

"Kylie talked herself to sleep. I ain't know she can talk like that."

"What! Lawd she talk a lot. We do this every night she'll tell me about her day and what all she did in ten minutes." I said laughing.

"That's my baby tho"

"You ready for our last meeting tomorrow?"

"Yea I am. I'm glad I agreed to it."

"Yea me too."

"I love you piglet." Ky'Mon said kissing me on my forehead. That name bring back so many memories. Happy ones.

"I love you too! Let's get some sleep before he wakes up." I turned on the night light before turning off the TV and cuddling up with my family. I'm so blessed.


Okay this is the last chapter!!! There will be a chapter 30 but that will be the epilogue.

I hope y'all enjoyed this book!!!


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