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Amelia Greene -

Early the next morning, despite finding ourselves to be covered in bruising, we were volunteered to help with processing the surrendered Germans.

I notice how everyone walks with a limp, including the new prisoners of war. No one dares to show it around Pierson, though. It's easier to pretend you're not in pain than explain why you're slacking off.

It was just Zussman, Daniels, and I, Pierson further ahead. Aiello and Stiles have other tasks. The Germans quickly figured out Zussman could understand them and reply, so we took advantage of that and he took care of whatever they asked for or needed. I understand why he never told us he could speak German prior, but it could've been useful in many situations.

Like now, when the prisoner says something to him in a feeble voice. "What's he want?" Daniels asks. Zussman remains casual. Today's been a calm morning, drastically different from the hail storm of bullets that made up most of yesterday.

He reaches for the canteen on his belt. I feel an ounce of pity towards the German, who's around our ages, and seems to be under a considerable amount of stress. Zussman smiles slightly as he hands it to him.

An upcoming and aggressive presence scares the prisoner before we see him. It's Pierson, and he angrily smacks the canteen out of the German's hand. I flinch at his sudden aggression. "Goddamnit, Zussman, what're you doing?!"

The canteen clatters to the ground and the German goes for it, desperate for a drink. Instantly irritated, Zussman leans down as well. "Lay off, Sergeant!"

A flick of disbelief passes across the Sergeant's face. "What's that?" I jump back as Pierson shoves Zussman into the snow. He looks up at Pierson in shock, sliding in the ice. "How's that? Huh? How's that work for you?"

"Much better," Zussman spits out. Nothing about Pierson's threats affect him anymore. Wrong move. I ready myself to have to step in front of the brute, who could plow over me and not even trip because the consequences of those two finally going at it would affect us all.

"You son of a bitch," Pierson growls, before taking a threatening step towards him. Daniels is quick to defuse the situation instead, pulling the sergeant back.

"Sergeant!" He warns, pushing him further away. Somethings about to happen and I'm going to be psychically powerless to help.

"Hey, you stay out of this!" Pierson moves Daniels' hand away, but persistent and fearless, Daniels pushes him back again. Testosterone flies through the air. Malicious tension that's been building up between the three ready to snap.

With this distraction, I react too late to the Kraut turning around and grabbing a rock. Pierson lets out a groan and I gasp as he slams it over his head, and then takes off down the path, nearly tripping in the thick blanket of snow.

I immediately move to Pierson, whilst Zussman and Daniels take off after the Kraut. "Look at me," I order, trying to check his pupils. "I need to see if you're concussed."

"I'm fine," he growls out, anger filling him. He looks at me and I see he's a little dazed but alright. "Fuck," he holds the back of his head, "come on."

I reluctantly follow him as he begins to chase after the three. I'm sure that Daniels and Zussman will overpower him, but Pierson's still stumbling from the blow. That or the whiskey on his breath.

We see the situation ahead. The Germans on the floor and the two are over him, Daniels searching his coat. He pulls something out that we didn't catch before. "Son of a bitch was holding out on us." He hands the paper to Zussman.

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