Chapter 3

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I gasped and fell to the ground. I crawled to Stella. She had abrasions all over her body like a nasty cat had bit her. She vomited blood and I patted her back. Her overalls were stained with her blood. Somebody had done this to her. I knew it. But who?

I cradled her softly and she seemed to be in a daze.

"I love you."

Her eyes fluttered down and she remained motionless. I pressed my ear to her chest and heard no vibration of her heartbeat. I looked at her in shock and gently pressed my lips on her forehead.

"I love you too, always."

I felt hollow, a vast emptiness. My heart ached and I clutched my ribs in pain, moaning. I wasn't hurt, I was heartbroken. I let out a piercing scream and people ran towards the building.

I was dumbfounded. Lost for words. I let her lay on the floor and slumped my shoulders, looking down. I covered my face and sobbed hard. My tears fell like raindrops on her shirt.

From the day Stella had been born, I had loved her. It was weird seeing that siblings fight. But there was completely no reason for me and Stella to fight. She was the best sister in the world.

My P.E teacher, Mrs Johnson, put a hand on my shoulder. 

"What happened?"

I had nothing to say, this grief was too much to take. I needed a shoulder to lie on. I needed somebody to confide with.

"It's okay. We are here for you."

My friends, Ivy, Eric and Jasper stood beside me and Ivy pulled me up. I stood motionless feeling helpless. Soon, the police investigated my parents and my Dad lied that Stella had suicide and I opened my mouth to speak up when Eric shook his head at me. 

Jasper, who was also my cousin, put his hand around the back of the neck. I leaned on him and he supported me. Ivy tousled my hair, trying to bring me to a good mood but it was no use. Eric squeezed my hand.

"C'mon. You have to go home. Want us to follow?"

I shook my head melancholily and they politely obeyed. Ever since that day, Stella had been one of my biggest What If. Like what if she had survived?

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