Chapter 7

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Eric, being calm natured, greeted in a pleasing tone. I could say they were buying his words cause they looked proud of themselves. Which was downright insane. I mean, their son had died. They seemed like, oh okay my son has died ... please buy me another one. 

"What to say, for the last few weeks he was alive, he was the same. Nothing different. We found his body rotting later on. William is simply too horrified. He keeps crying."

William crying? Now, that was a first. We were startled but disappointed. No useful information.

When we came out, I apologised for the dumb idea. They claimed it wasn't my fault but they just looked bored.

"Let's check the CCTV cameras now."

We nodded at Jasper and went to school. It was a Sunday, we jumped over the gate and landed with a loud noise. Nobody came. The school entrance was ajar so we sprinted to the CCTV room. It was locked.

Ivy took her pin.

"Ivy, you have been watching too many movies ... serio-"

I was interrupted by a 'click'. It worked!

We went in and Eric typed like crazy, trying to find the cameras. Nope. The killer was too clever. He or she had blocked it with tissues. I felt stumped. Ivy's face lit.

"Hey! There is a gap in that room to the garden. A tiny one I had noticed during P.E."

Eric went to the garden cameras and sure enough, we found a tiny opening to what was inside. We could only see the killer's boots. I was stunned. Elijah was being kicked and stabbed.

We couldn't see much so we stopped the video half way. Eric took out a thumb drive to save so that we can zoom in more through an app later.

We ran to the small building determined.

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