Chapter 9

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"What was that for?"

"I am a bit scared, I would rather have somebody else look over the footage."

That was probably my cue to bring everyone together and comfort Eric but I knew how he felt. I felt the same. Ivy hugged him, trying to make him feel better.

I felt pretty scared myself. I was scaring my jujubes out. I didn't want to continue this. It was going to stir my worst of memories about Stella. I knew I had to do this. For my Dad, my friends who I had brought into this investigation. 

We called it a day and went back home. Since I had skipped lunch, I was famished. I could eat a horse. Mum gave me spoonfuls of rice, full-filling my hunger. I crashed as soon as I touched my bed. Snuggling into the warm comforters, I dreamt of unicorns on rainbows. Kidding. 

I didn't have dreams, only pitch darkness.

The next morning at school, I was surfing the internet. I was looking for some good memes to cheer me up before lessons started. I was leaning on my locker when Ivy, Jasper and Eric rushed to me.

"I have no idea why Ivy called us. She just pulled us here."

Jasper and Eric were sweating like pigs, panting heavily.

"I found a clue yesterday night while watching the whole footage! The killer dropped something. Pretty sure it is a girl. I know which girl but I want you to see the thing first."

The boots shifted as it kicked poor Elijah. I saw him vomiting blood -the scene was so gory- and he dropped dead. The killer had leaned to check if he was alive. I couldn't see the killer's face.

Something dropped from her neck. A chain with a pendant. The pendant had three colours. Red, dark blue and yellow. It shone like the sun. Eric gasped and informed quietly.

"Ruby, Sapphire and Amber."

The three looked at my necklace. The pendant that I had gotten from Stella with the exact colours. Their eyes were shattered. They showed treachery and disbelief. I was sure they knew the truth now.

The killer was me.

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