Chapter 8

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The small building wasn't locked. It wasn't a school property. It was just a small changing room for the basketball players, there used to be a basketball training centre before our school was built.

Rumours say there might even be a ghost. Naw. That isn't possible.

Inside, there were cobwebs and dust in the corners. Oil had been splattered on the wall, wait it was blood. 

Memories flooded back. 

I remembered holding Stella in my arms with a tear-stained face. Her abrasions were critical. She had vomited dark red blood.

I clutched my head and Ivy caught me before I fell in a daze. Eric offered me a canteen of water and I wolfed it down. Jasper kept on grumbling that it was a bad idea for me to be here.

I felt like a defenceless baby and scowled. Jasper frowned, obviously wanting me to rest for a while.

I stood up with my legs sturdy.

"I will skewer that killer."

Eric gave me a cheeky smile and commented.

"Now that's June back to normal."

We went to the back of the door for some clues, hopefully, a thumbprint or something. We only found traces of blood and followed. It led to the corner with a table.

"So whoever was the killer, he or she had brought him her first beside the little table ... maybe there was some equipment that he or she used on it."

We were silent and deep-fried our brains with an attempt to solve the puzzle. At the corner of my eye, I saw Eric shove the thumbdrive to Ivy.

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