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Hey! So, I got tagged by alicat4405. I have no idea if I'm doing this right, but here goes...

Favorite Subject:  LA

Crush: If it can be a fictional character, I have multiple. In real life I don't even know

Last time I cried: Um, I'm pretty sure it was like a few days ago?

Favorite Author: Get ready, because I have a lot: Shannon Messenger, C.S. Lewis, Andrew Peterson, Susanne Collins, and a few others (:

Last song I listened to: I think it was Non-stop from Hamilton

Addiction: kotlc, books in general, Hamilton, and writing

Best Life Moment: There was a night I spent in Maine with friends and my dad, and it was just so amazing. We played a hilarious board game until like, eleven, and then went star gazing. We were at a camp on the weekend, so we got to go out on the dock into the lake and watched the stars from there. (my friends and I work at the camp) It was really amazing.

Relationship Status: single

Miss anyone: On Wattpad? If it's in real life, I miss my cousin/best friend. She moved a few years ago. ):

Last text sent: I don't have a phone.

Favorite anime: I generally don't like anime, but Avatar the Last Airbender is good if that counts.

OTP: Sokeefe (duh)

Girl Bestie: My previously mentioned cousin. We've known each other since she was born, and we're super close.

Boy Bestie: A guy I've known since 2nd-ish grade. He's not on Wattpad as far as I know.

So, I'm hoping I did that right.

I'm tagging:





And that's everyone I can think of off the top of my head! Thanks for reading! I will try to update with the ice skating one.

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