Chapter Eleven: Getting A Royal Makeover

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Virgil swallowed nervously as he looked around. He was being led through the palace, but not through an underground secret passage like before. This time he was being escorted by a royal attendant. His presence had been requested for later that evening and the prince had desired to speak to him. He felt he was justified in being terrified.

He didn't really know why he was being ask to the palace that evening, and now Roman wanted to see him. After the show on the beach earlier, he'd been ignoring everyone. He stayed hauled up in the stables for a couple of hours before a royal attendant came to get him.

Honestly, he just wanted to go to the woods and spend some time with Dante. It was always stress relieving to play with him or go for flights; sure, the dragons in the royal stables were great, but he and Dante shared something special. When he traveled overseas to this kingdom, the Lightning Glider had flown after him on his own free will. He was the only source of familiarity.

Instead of flying on Dante, he was walking through the golden halls of the Sun Glade kingdom's palace. He wasn't comfortable, and the royal attendant wasn't helping. He wasn't talking and didn't explain what was happening to him. Fortunately, Roman showed up right when he needed him.

"Oh! Virgil! Perfect, come with me," he said, suddenly appearing around a corner. He grabbed his hand, sending a jolt through his arm. He then offhandedly dismissed the attendant. "Thank you, I've got it."

Now the stable boy was being dragged through the palace; he supposed it was improvement because at least he knew who was leading him this time.

"Right, we've gotta get you to my room, because the dinner is tonight and I have a feeling you will have absolutely nothing to where besides the baggy black shirts you seem to love and those trousers, which just won't do for this. You've got to make an impression! And not just a good impression like when you met my mother, I mean a grand impression!" the prince rambled.

Virgil opened his mouth to ask several questions but he was cut off as Roman shoved him though a set of double doors into a massive room. "Uh, where am I?"

"This is my room, obviously," he replied with a scoff.

He then raced across the room to one of his many wardrobes. Virgil just looked around in awe; he'd never seen a bedroom so big in his life. It was like the size of the common room in his old family home. He wasn't even sure what he would do with this much space if he had it.

"Okay, but why am I here?" the stable boy asked, not knowing what to do with himself. Everything looked so expensive he'd be put to death for breaking it.

"You're here because I refuse to let Sun Glade's champion attend the Champions' Dinner tonight in peasant clothing!" Roman called back. "And that's not class thing, I just mean you need something fancy for tonight and I have a strong feeling you don't have anything considering you just moved here like a few months ago."

Virgil was still confused as he watched him dash about. "Excuse me? Champions' Dinner?"

"Yeah, the thing my mother requested your presence for this evening?" the prince replied. He paused and looked at him, reading his clueless expression. "Oh, you don't know? Why don't you know? It was all in the letter that was left at your house!"

"Uh, I haven't been home all day..." he said with awkward cough. "I've just been... working I guess."

Roman crossed his arms and walked over to him with a scowl. "What is my champion doing working when he's to represent me and my kingdom until the competitions are over?" he scolded him. He was talking in a mockingly sophisticated tone though, so it was obvious that he was joking. He broke into a smile and took his shoulders. "Virgil, you've got more important things to worry about right now. You're lucky that you're friends with a prince."

He then took a hold of his wrist and pulled him toward the wardrobes full of suits. "You've got to attend a dinner tonight with all the royal families that have come to compete. They're all bringing their champions to it as well. You've got to attend as mine- I mean, Sun Glade's."

"Okay but what do I have to do?" Virgil asked anxiously. "I'm not good with social situations."

"Don't worry! I'll be there too! All you have to do is sit there and look handsome and intimidating, which won't be too hard for you," he joked, winking. "Now, you like darker colors, I can tell, but Sun Glade's colors are red and gold. Oh! Oh, what if I wear mostly red, and you wear the gold! I can totally find something dark that has a lot of gold in it and that way we can represent both of the kingdom's colors without you having to wear something as bright as red!"

The stable boy watched as he ran into the other room, realizing that on top of the wardrobes, he had a massive closet. He felt like he was dreaming. What was he doing in a royal's bedroom? What was he doing in a palace? He wasn't meant to be here.

Why was Roman being so nice to him? He was so excited to have him as his champion. Did he forget what had happened on the beach that morning?

"Here! Here! Put this on!" Roman interrupted his thoughts. He handed him a mostly black suit with some purple accents and lots of gold embroidery. He took it but stared for a moment before looking back at the prince with uncertainty. He rolled his eyes and pushed him gently. "Oh just try it on! The bathroom's that way."

Virgil swallowed and went into the bathroom with the suit. He was so unsure of all of this, but it was too late to back out; plus, Roman needed him to do this or he might be married off to the Fire Stone king's daughter.

He put on the suit and looked at himself in the mirror briefly. He just shook his head with embarrassment and stepped out of the bathroom. "I look ridiculous."

Roman looked toward him, gasping. He seemed speechless. The stable boy played with the cuff links but quickly stopped as he realized they were likely made of real gold and the rhinestones glittering in them were likely real as well. The prince didn't say anything as he walked toward him with an unreadable expression.

Virgil looked up as he realized he was standing right in front of him. "You look perfect," he said, smilingly breathlessly. He reached and adjusted his collar and labels for him with a grin. He met his eyes. "You're going to knock them dead."

"As long as that's just a joke and not a reality," he pointed out.

"I'm sure that won't happen," Roman reassured him with a smile. "Now come on, let's fix your hair."

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