Chapter Nineteen: A Dance

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The week was going by quickly, and soon it would be Virgil's turn to race. The races had been going fairly smoothly, with few incidents. Some broken bones here and there were the worst of the injuries.

In between the dragon races, there were plenty of festivities and the royals through balls in the palace every night. Virgil had attended the first one out of respect for Roman, but after that, he'd been careful to avoid them. The people and the noise were too much, and the sight of the prince happily socializing and dancing with other people made his stomach twist.

He sat on a small cliff that look out across the field at the palace. It was aglow with the celebration going on inside.

Virgil let out a heavy sigh, sitting cross-legged in the grass. Beside him, Dante was napping. They'd gone for a brief flight, but the stable boy hadn't been in the mood for more than that. His companion had been understanding and was happy to stay by his side on the ground as he just relaxed.

He played with a blade of grass, weaving it between his fingers. He couldn't help the tugging at his stomach as he gazed out at the palace.

Roman was likely to be in the ballroom, chatting up the other royals or dancing with beautiful women. He knew that the prince had no interest in them, but he couldn't help the jealousy that crept into his heart as he'd watched them twirl around the dance floor the first night.

The stable boy was uncertain. He knew that Roman was attracted to men. He was the same, but did the flirting mean anything? Were the kind gestures simply the actions of a caring individual, or was there more to them?

Virgil had never felt so comfortable in the presence of another person. Sure, it had been tense at first, but after a little while, they seemed to click.

He let out another sigh, shredding the grass he'd been playing with. It's not like it matters, he thought bitterly. Roman has a responsibility to his people. He's the next king. If he were to marry me or another man, he wouldn't have an heir. Besides... why would he want someone like me? There's plenty of other men more handsome and of higher status than me.

Frustration bubbles up in his chest as he yanked another piece of grass from the ground. He stared at it for a moment before tossing it aside.

"I thought you might be up here," a familiar voice said. He didn't have to turn around to know it was Roman. The prince strolled toward him, making Dante stir. The dragon sniffed him briefly before settling again. He paused next to Virgil. "Mind if I join you?"

"No..." he mumbled, looking down at the grass. He let his bangs hide his face so the prince couldn't see his expression. "What are you doing out here?"

Roman chuckled. "I could ask you the same question."

The stable boy huffed with amusement and shook his head. "No, me being out here is pretty normal. I'm the socially awkward dragon trainer guy who hangs out with his dragon in the woods nearly every day. You, on the other hand, are the Prince of Sun Glade. You're the charming royal who sweeps everyone off their feet on the dance floor without trying."

"I didn't know you thought so highly of me," Roman said dramatically. He laughed and sat down beside him. "I got bored I suppose. I missed hanging out with the one person I don't have to put on an act for."

Virgil felt his cheeks warm at the comment. The prince nudged him with his elbow. "It's really boring when you're not there."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but it's not really my scene," he replied. "There's way too many people, and I don't know how to act, and then you go off and dance with some woman and leave me alone to fend for myself, and it's just awful..."

"My apologies, I didn't think about that," Roman said apologetically. "Though, you could've found a dance partner as well."

Virgil shook his head and laughed. "Women are not for me and I'm pretty sure everyone would stared at me if I danced with another man instead."

"Well no one's staring now," the prince pointed out.

He stood up and bowed to the stable boy. He then offered his hand to him and flashed a charming smile. "May I have this dance?"

"Princey, there's not even any music," he said, flushing.

"Who cares? I'll hum," Roman insisted. He looked at him with wide, pleading eyes. "Come on, Virge, dance with me."

It felt like time was frozen around them. A gentle breeze blew at their hair and the light of the moon above illuminated their faces. Virgil swallowed and placed his hand in Roman's. The prince grinned and pulled him to stand up.

As promised, the royal began to hum a gentle tune. He slid one of his hands down to Virgil's waist as he laced their fingers together with the other.

The next thing they knew, they were dancing slowly across the grass. Dante looked up and cooed happily at the sight, the sound rumbling from his chest. Virgil smiled at the dragon as the prince continued to lead the way through the dance.

"This is much nicer than dancing with the women inside," Roman said, leaning inward a little bit as he smiled. "You're a natural."

"Please, you're doing all the work," Virgil replied. He was flushing bright red.

The prince smiled at the reaction he received, feeling his heart warm at the sight. The stable boy had him completely helpless. From his dark piercing eyes to the way he walked to the tiny freckles on his cheeks, Roman was smitten.

Virgil gazed up at the prince, feeling his heart racing. He wasn't sure where this was going. "Your Highness? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing," he replied. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. It was just the touch of his lips on the stable boy's cheek. Virgil was frozen, unable to comprehend what was happening. Roman then pulled away and smiled warmly. "Thank you for dancing with me, goodnight Virgil."

He pulled away and bowed to him. He then gave him another smile before disappearing into the trees.

Virgil reach up to touch his cheek, still feeling the touch of Roman's lips.

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