Chapter Twelve: Final Touches

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"Virgil, we need to comb your hair out of your eyes! You'll look more sophisticated if it's slicked back," Roman insisted. He was holding a golden comb, though he'd reassured the stable boy that it wasn't real. Virgil shook his head which just tussled his hair more. The prince put his hands on his hips. "I'm serious! I want you to look your best!"

He shook his head again, pouting. "No, I'm not pulling my bangs back, I refuse," he said. "I have to have a way to hide my face, considering you've already dressed me up."

"Fine, fine," the prince huffed, crossing his arms. "You can keep your bangs, but at least let me comb out the knots."

Virgil continued to pout but agreed. He leaned forward with the comb and started running it through the stable boy's dark brown hair. He gently untangled the knots. Roman then brushed his fingers through it briefly and then continued to comb it.

Virgil felt a tingling run from his scalp down his spine. His cheeks grew warm as he felt himself relaxing. He couldn't deny how soothing having someone comb his hair was.

"There," Roman said, pulling back with a smile on his face. "You look great! I'd rather be able to see your eyes, but you look very nice."

"Thanks Princey," he mumbled. "I feel ridiculous..."

The prince smiled and shook his head. "You don't look it, but anyway, I'm gonna go get into the suit I'm gonna wear. Just wait for me on the sofa or something, it shouldn't take me too long."

With that, he headed into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Virgil swallowed as he looked around the room. It was still mind blowing to him that he was in a royal's room and now he was wearing a suit that belonged to a prince.

He sat down on the sofa, feeling himself sink into its soft cushions. He didn't think he'd owned a piece of furniture as luxurious as this. The fabric and cushions likely cost the same as his housing in the town. Virgil couldn't help the flash of annoyance and bitterness he felt wash over him. There were people starving on the streets in some places, and Roman up here deciding what suit to flaunt at some feast.

The stable boy took a deep breath. It wasn't Roman's decision to be born a royal. He's aware of his fortune and he'd expressed wanting to do more humanitarian efforts when he was king. It wasn't fair to hold the prince accountable for the lives of everyone in the world just because he was lucky.

"Alright, how do I look?" Roman's voice came from behind him.

He stood from the sofa and turned to look at him, but found himself frozen in shock as he did so. Virgil felt a wave of slight panic wash over him at just how incredible the prince looked. While his suit was black with accents of gold, Roman's was white with accents of red. His posture was regal, his face was perfect, and his hair fell flawlessly under a small crown. The stable boy didn't know what to say.

"U-Uh, you look great, your Highness," he found himself stammering, clearing his throat as a blush rushed into his cheeks.

"Thanks  Virge, now come, we've got a dinner to attend," the prince said with a grin.

He took the lead as they left his room. He walked with purpose and confidence through the halls of the palace. Virgil sort of shuffled along beside him, desperately trying to hide behind his bangs.

"Come now Virgil, you've got to show more initiative, confidence!" Roman said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back a bit, and now tip your chin upwards just a little. You don't want to look like a snob, but just self aware enough to prevent others from walking all over you."

"Right..." Virgil managed, trying to take the prince's advise. He adjusted his posture. His chest felt cleared as he stood up straighter. "Is that better?"

Roman grinned and nodded. "Much, you looked definitely more intimidating when you're confident," he told him. He then gestured for them to continue on their way to the banquet hall. They walked in a semi-comfortable silence for a few moments before the royal spoke up again. He cleared his throat, and when Virgil looked at him, he saw an expression of seriousness across his features. "Look Virgil... I'm aware that you're not comfortable with people or social situations in general. You... You're going to be incredibly uncomfortable in there, and for that, I deeply apologize."

"It's fine Princey... I could've said 'no' to being your kingdom's champion," he said, shrugging it off even though he felt a pit settling in his stomach as they spoke.

The prince stopped though, meeting his gaze with severity. "I'm serious Virgil," he said. His voice was low and confidential. He glanced around briefly to check for staff before taking a deep breath. "If there's ever a point during the dinner that you get overwhelmed, I want you to let me know. If you need to leave, I can orchestrate it. I'm a good actor and can improvise. If you need to get out, just tell me."

"I'm sure it won't be that bad-"

"Virgil," Roman interrupted, getting the stable boy to meet his gaze seriously. "Promise that you'll tell me."

He wasn't sure how to react to the royal's concerns. On one hand, it was scaring him that Roman was this worried about what was to happen in that banquet hall. On the other, he'd never had anyone pay that close attention to his needs before.

"Okay... how should I do that so that the others don't notice? It's not as though I can say, 'hey can we leave?' in the middle of a royal dinner," Virgil pointed out, swallowing.

"We'll be seated beside each other, I arranged that so that you wouldn't be caught between strangers. If you need to get out of there, grab my wrist and squeeze it hard," the prince instructed him. "I'll do whatever I need to in order to get you out of there."

Virgil nodded, but couldn't stop himself from asking a question that had been on his mind. "Princey, why do you care so much?"

Roman looked surprised that he asked. He swallowed and took a deep breath. "I consider you a friend, Virgil," he replied honestly. "I feel as though I can be myself around you, in a way I haven't been able to be in years. I value you, and because I know that the position of champion has been and will be difficult on you, I want to do what I can to show my appreciation and ease your stress. I'm incredibly grateful for all you're doing for me."

"Well... it's nice... having someone care," Virgil admitted, smiling just a little. "Thanks..."

The prince took his hand in his and brought it to his lips. He smiled at him as he kissed it, bowing dramatically. "My pleasure," he replied, beaming at him.

You're The Only One - Prinxiety [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon