Chapter Twenty-One: The Race of the Champions

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Virgil mounted his dragon, taking hold of the reins. The other champions were doing the same. Across the platform, the stable boy could see Ormus on his Lava Surfer. He snapped at his attendants, telling them to unchain him. The shackles fell away from its feet.

The crowd was cheering and the racers were ready. The noise was deafening and it swamped Virgil's senses, making him squeeze his eyes shut. He tried to concentrate. He could hear Roman's mother speaking about the race and how this has brought the people of the different kingdoms closer together; he doubted the truth behind her words.

His breathing slowed and his mind silenced its worries. He focused on the dragon he sat on, letting himself become one with her. Ara cooed as he placed his hand on her neck. We can do this...

"Racers! On your marks!" the starter instructed.

He leaned back and took hold of the reins, feeling Ara's body tense. She was ready to go. The dragons on both sides of him were growling and bucking, also anxiously waiting to fly. Virgil blocked them out and focused his thoughts on the race's route. The air grew still as the crowd waited for the starter to shoot the starting pistol.

Silence... then a gun shot.

The dragons leaped into action, jumping from the platform and pumping their wings viciously to try and pull out in front to establish a lead at the start. Virgil and Ara did the same, but much more gracefully. He pulled her up, twisting and turning to dodge the others. He knew if they stayed up higher the headwinds would slow them down. He needed to pull ahead and then lower them back down below the winds.

As they maneuvered through the dragons, Virgil looked for the Lava Surfer. He turned his head. The massive beast was in the middle of the pack, swinging its head around and snapping at the nearest dragons. Virgil scowled and looked back forward, urging Ara to fly a bit faster.

Snarling came on his right, making him whip his head toward the sound. A Fang Reaper coming up beside them. The rider looked a bit flustered and confused. He was pulling on the reins to try and steer clear of Virgil, but the dragon wasn't obeying. The stable boy gasped and pulled Ara to twist away from them. She spiraled to the left. The action successfully avoided the Fang Reaper, but nearly flew them straight into a Razorback Shortsnout.

The dragon hissed at Ara, its spines protruding from its skin in self defense. The rider swore and tried to steer away as Virgil and Ara got closer. The Razorback fought its rider and turned to bite the Jade Skull.

Virgil veered sharply downward as the spines on the Razorback grazed Ara's skin. They swooped down to the front end of the pack. They were approaching the first marker for the race. It was at the edge of the town and marked with a flag. Once they passed the flag, they'd fly around the village and over the forest. The beginning was the most populated part of the race.

The stable boy wanted to get out of the pack and pull ahead. "Alright Ara, we need some more speed," he called to her.

She growled in response and flattened her head out to keep her horns low and help her become more streamlined. Virgil tucked himself lower into the saddle to help. She pumped her wings powerfully, soaring passed some of the dragons ahead of them. They passed the flag and soared toward the sky over the forest.

The pack had thinned out to them and three others. Virgil looked over his shoulder, feeling concerned but relieved that the Lava Surfer wasn't in view. They were now flying over the forest, trying to use the winds to their advantage to gain ground on the champions in front of them. Virgil took a moment to analyze the species of the dragons and try to understand the flying styles their riders were using.

There was a Hell Howler directly in front of them. In the front was a Light Walker, and between the two was a Amberhorn. Two Fire Breathers directly in front of Virgil, and a Sky Striker in the lead.

Ara flew passed the Hell Howler, but the rider on it yanked on the reins. The dragon opened its mouth and shoot fire directly at them. Virgil gasped and pulled Ara into a spiral to avoid the blast. He could feel the heat as it flew over his head. Hell Howlers were know for their fire being some of the hottest fire produced by dragons.

The Hell Howler kept firing after them as they flew faster. While dodging the blasts from that dragon, they collided with the Amberhorn. They flew side-by-side, bumping each other like horses. The dragons tried to hit each other with their horns while Virgil and the other rider tried to maneuver. The champion on the Amberhorn was a female with fiery orange hair. She was glaring at him, but Virgil could see the panic in her eyes.

He turned, seeing the Hell Howler coming up on the two of them with smoke swirling from its nostrils. He gasped and motioned his hand to usher her away. She looked confused, but pulled her dragon to fly away. The Hell Howler shoot fire as she did so.

Ara and Virgil dodged at the last moment, the flame licking at the Jade Skull's wings. She growled in discomfort but didn't seem injured. The stable boy's heart was racing as they continued flying. The Amberhorn had fallen behind, not being able to pass the Hell Howler without risking being shot at.

The Light Walker was the only dragon left ahead of them. They soared passed the second mark, making their way down to the third leg of the race. They swooped down the cliff and down towards the rocks. They'd follow the beach back to the village and then fly back through the village for the last leg of the race.

Virgil's breathing was quick and his nerves were still high, but so far, they'd been alright. Ara had been burned and scratched, but they were both very light wounds. He could still feel her determination. They could do this.

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