Chapter Fourteen: The Only One

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Roman sighed heavily. "Well, now what are we supposed to do? Everyone else will be at dinner for another hour or so," he mumbled, looking up at the upside-down stable boy. He then smirked suggestively. "And no one will come looking for us..."

"Your Highness, you can't be implying that we should sleep together," Virgil chuckled. He could see through the prince's cockiness. 

His smugness dissolved into genuine joy as he laughed. Virgil joined in too, moving to sit beside him on the sofa. They sat in a peaceful silence for a few minutes, but the stable boy's attention was drawn to the balcony the prince had access to. The night sky looked so inviting and Virgil felt a tug of longing as he watched the stars glitter. 

Without realizing it, he got up and made his way to the balcony. Roman looked up curiously, moving to follow him. He opened the doors and stepped out, feeling the cool evening air caress his skin. 

A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned on the railing. The prince stood beside him and gazed at him with a soft and curious expression. Virgil's eyes were closed and a tiny smile was on his lips as the breeze tussled his bangs. He was still wearing the suit from dinner, but he'd undone the top buttons to allow his neck to breathe. He looked stunning and Roman found it difficult to look away.

"Dante will be missing me," Virgil suddenly muttered, looking down with disappointment.

His voice snapped the other young man out his thoughts. "Sorry, who?"

"Really? You know I have no friends and that I'm obsessed with dragons, but you have to ask who I'm talking about?" he replied with a smirk. Roman quickly tried to defend himself but he waved him off. "I'm just kidding, but yeah... Dante's my dragon."

"Dante? I don't remember a Dante in the stables," the prince said.

Virgil paused and looked conflicted for a moment. With a heavy sigh, he looked toward the prince. "Can you keep a secret?" he asked softly. He nodded seriously. "Well... my dragon doesn't live in the stables. He lives in the woods just outside the grounds of the castle. I go and visit him pretty much every night."

Roman blinked in surprise but nodded. "Okay, but I'm sure I could have him moved to the stables," he offered, smiling optimistically.

"I don't think so..." Virgil replied quickly. The prince frowned, making him hurry to explain himself. "It's not that you're not being kind for offering, I appreciate it, but I'm not sure about bringing him into the royal stables. I think his freedom would be impaired. How would I know for certain that your mother wouldn't want him for one reason or another?"

The air was quiet between them for a moment before the stable boy sighed. "He's not my pet, Princey... he's my companion. He chose to follow me to your kingdom. I didn't force him. He just wanted to be with me. I don't want to lose him."

"Well, if he means that much to you, you should go see him tonight," Roman suggested, leaning on the railing. "I certainly wouldn't want to get in the way of your bond with him."

Virgil's heart fluttered a little at his words. He looked toward him as an idea struck him. He wasn't sure it was a wise idea, but part of him wanted to take the risk. The prince hadn't given him any reason not to trust him. He considered his options, but with one last glance at his soft expression, he made up his mind. "You... you could come with me..."

Roman looked toward him in surprise. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You could come meet Dante, if you want..." he repeated, messing with his hair in an attempt to calm his nerves. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting a new face."

"Well, I've got no other plans this evening..."

The two shared a smirk and then headed for the door. Roman led the way, knowing the easiest way to sneak out of the castle. He let Virgil know he wasn't new to idea of doing things after dark that he normally wouldn't be able to do during the day. They managed to slip out of the palace without being spotted. Virgil took the lead as they headed for the forest, having memorized the path to get to where Dante was likely waiting for him.

When they reached the clearing, it was empty. Roman watched in confusion as Virgil stepped into the center and started talking. "Okay Dante, I forfeit tonight! Come get me!"

Nothing happened for a few moments. The prince looked around with a raised eyebrow, wondering for a brief second if he'd been tricked. However, he was proven wrong when the bushes explode with movement and the stable boy was tackled to the ground. He gasped, jumping back as the dragon perched on top of him. His fear rivaled the instinct to help but he ended up moving forward out of worry. 

Virgil's laugh rang out, causing him to pause. He pressed his forehead to the dragon's snout. "Hey buddy," he said, the dragon cooing in response. "How are you tonight? Hmm?"

Dante got off of the stable boy, allowing him to sit up. He circled him where he sat. Virgil was grinning as he pet the dragon's smooth scales, seeming have forgotten Roman was there. It was when the dragon froze and stared at him that Virgil remembered.

"Oh, right," he managed, standing up. "Dante, this is Prince Roman. He's my... friend." The dragon looked at him skeptically. Virgil chuckled and pulled the prince toward him by the arm. "Here, pet him," he instructed.

Roman looked at him as though he was crazy but didn't argue, cautiously extending his hand toward the dragon's snout. Dante sniffed his hand while his eyes were locked with the man's. He then leaned into the prince's touch, cooing softly in acceptance. Roman grinned in amazement, having never seen a creature that wasn't human behave so expressively.

"Wanna ride him?" Virgil asked, patting his dragon. 

"Could others ride him?" the prince asked with concern and curiosity.

The stable boy shook his head slightly. "There are no others," he admitted, looking him deep in the eye. "You're the only one."

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