Chapter Twenty-Three: The Showdown

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Ara flapped her wings desperately as she tried to evade the massive dragon attempting to hit her. It's claws slashed at her and its jaws snapped at her. Virgil looked at the beast's enraged eyes, knowing there was nothing that was going to calm it down now. This thing wanted blood and wouldn't stop until it had it. 

He pulled on the reins, steering Ara back toward the edge of the village. They needed to get it as far away from the civilians as possible. At the very least, they could save some lives.

The Lava Surfer roared and caused Virgil's skull to shake. He closed his eyes as panic began to set in. He had no idea what to do. It lurched forward, catching Ara's leg in its claws. She cried out as it yanked her back. The Lava Surfer grabbed one of her wings and used its brute strength to hold her in place. 

Ara let out cries of terror but had a fire in her gaze as she thrashed and attempted to escape. Virgil let go of the reins, searching his belt for anything he could use to help. There was a small dagger by his side. He got an idea.

Standing up in the saddle, he steadied himself. The wind tore at his hair and the beast's large body was still gripping Ara. He unsheathed the dagger and took a deep breath. He ran up Ara's neck and then jumped. Time seemed to slow as he hovered through empty air for a second before landing on the shoulder of the Lava Surfer. The dragon was took preoccupied with attacking Ara to notice him. 

Virgil steeled himself and climbed his way up to the Lava Surfer's head. He grabbed a hold of its horn with his free hand and then swung himself down to eye level. He didn't hesitate and threw the blade full force into the beast's eye.

It howled in pain and released Ara. It shook its head viciously, making the stable boy lose his grip on the horn. He felt his heart drop into his stomach as he fell toward the beach. The ground was growing closer and closer by the second. The speed of his fall caused tears to stream from his eyes as he screamed. He scrunched his eyes closed, expecting the pain of impact.

The impact came, but not from the ground. Ara threw herself at him, holding him to her stomach with her legs and landing on the beach on her back with a crash. He groaned, opening his eyes. Ara wasn't moving, but she was breathing. 

"Come on girl, we've gotta go, get up," he panted, attempting to stand. His body protested, but he continued. He walked over to her head and took a hold of it. He felt tears in his eyes. The dragon's eyes fluttered open and she cooed gently. He sighed in relief and hugged her snout. Her leg and wing were in bad shape. "You're gonna be okay, I'll take care of you. You'll be okay. Thank you for saving me..."

A screeching roar and the impact of a large dragon pulled him back into reality. The Lava Surfer landed on the beach towering over the injured dragon and her rider. Virgil felt his blood run cold. 

It stared him down, his dagger still stuck in the eye that was dripping with blood. His breathing was erratic as he tried to back away. There was no way he could outrun a dragon its size. It opened its mouth and lunged for him, but Ara was there. She screeched and slashed its cheek with her claws. She was on her feet, limping and bleeding. Ara moved in front of Virgil, blocking him with her wings as she roared at the Lava Surfer. He knew she was going to protect him until the beast killed her.

The Lava Surfer spat fire at her. Ara responded by dodging and rushing toward it. The smaller Jade Skull rammed it's chest with her head. It stumbled a little, but raised its claw and batted her away as though she was nothing. Ara rolled across the sand with a pained roar.

Turning back to Virgil, the massive dragon stalked toward him again. He cowered before it. Ara growled and hurled herself back at the Lava Surfer, pinning down his back legs. It screeched and turned its neck to snap at her, spraying sand as it shuffled. The stable boy ducked behind a rock; he knew he had to help Ara. He couldn't let her fight this thing alone. 

He ran toward the beast, staying in its new blind spot. Virgil climbed up its arm. The Lava Surfer growled and whipped its head toward him instead. He gasped as it snapped at him. He lost hold of the beast and fell down into the sand.

The Lava Surfer grabbed him in his claws. He screamed in pain as the massive talons tore at his abdomen. The dragon picked him up and tossed him at the cliff. Virgil felt nothing but pain as he slumped to the ground. He thought he heard his bones crack upon the impact and he couldn't move. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping him awake.

Ara roared in outrage as the Lava Surfer moved in to finish the job. She rammed the side of its head, sending into a dizzy spin momentarily. She moved in on Virgil cooing in concern as she sniffed him.

His breathing was light and his blood was starting to soak the sand below him. He smiled brokenly at Ara, who pushed her snout against his cheek. "It's okay girl, just go..."

She shook her head as he coughed, turning to stand her ground as the Lava Surfer recovered. It stalked toward them with a gleam of pure evil in its eyes. Virgil's vision was swimming as he gazed up at it. He felt a tear slip down his cheek as Ara curled around him protectively. This was it.

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