Chapter Twenty-Two: Chaos Outbreaks

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Virgil took a deep breath as they flew down the cliff toward the rocks. He knew that the Light Walker was faster than Ara, but she was more accustomed to water and ocean winds. If they could use the water to their advantage, they could take the lead.

"Come on girl, we're almost finished with this," he said to the dragon.

The Jade Skull huffed with determination and pumped her wings to fly faster. She tucked her wings in slightly as the wind current picked up their pace for them. They were gaining ground on the Light Walker as they neared the water. The rider turned to look at them and scowled, smacking the side of his dragon to make it fly faster.

Virgil narrowed his eyes as they flew up behind them. There were rocks sticking out of the water, making the route to the beach treacherous. Light Walkers were fast, but they weren't good at sharp turns. They would have to fly in wider turns to avoid hitting the rocks, but Virgil and Ara could fly straight through and dodge them all neatly. He tucked himself against Ara's neck and turned them down even lower toward the waves.

Water sprayed up from the ocean as they flew passed the rocks. They wove between them, twisting and turning ever so slightly to keep up as much of their speed as they could. Virgil could see the Light Walker and its rider across from them, taking a wider route.

Ara flew faster, feeling the ocean breeze helping her gain more and more momentum. Once they shot free of the rocks, they'd left the Light Walker behind. Virgil smirked to himself and headed for the beach.

They soared over the sand. The people below were cheering and clapping, and at that moment, Virgil could see the finish line just up ahead.

A smile began to spread across his face; the race hadn't been a disaster.

The sound of the Lava Surfer roaring proved him wrong. Virgil looked to his right, see the beast come out of nowhere. Ormus was whipping in and steering directly toward him and Ara. The dragon looked enraged and hungry for blood. The stable boy paled and urged Ara to fly faster.

Heat began to grow around, making him realize the beast was shooting countless fireballs at them. Ara bobbed and weaved, but her scales were still scorched. She howled in pain.

Virgil began to panic as the massive creature grew closer to them. He looked forward as they neared the finish line. He could see the royal box. If he could just make it to the end of the race, maybe they'd be able to restrain the Lava Surfer.

Ara roared as the beast clawed her tail. Virgil could sense her panic. "Come on girl, we're almost through this!"

They were getting closer and closer to winning.  The stable boy was able to see the faces of the royals. He felt his heart pounding in his rib cage as he rounded the last corner.

"No you don't!" Ormus yelled, pulling out a knife.

He slashed a small cut into the Lava Surfer's skin, making it roar in anger. It grew out of control. It cut the corner, slamming directly into Virgil and Ara. They stumbled through the air dizzily as Ormus tried to rein in the beast. However, he'd made a serious mistake.

The Lava Surfer screeched and swung its neck like a whip, sending the Fire Stone champion hurdling into a building. The crowd was no longer cheering; they were screaming.

Virgil tried to regain control of Ara, who was hurt and scared. Once they had recovered, they turned to see the Lava Surfer running loose and angrier that ever. The stable boy had never seen a dragon capable of such destruction. The massive beast was shooting fire at everything in sight and knocking down buildings with its body. He felt himself frozen with horror as he watched it approach the royal box.

It raised its head to blast the box with fire and Virgil snapped out of it. He and Ara flew forward and rammed the dragon full force with her horns. The fire ball it had attempted to shoot ended up hitting the roof of the box as it stumbled backwards.

Within the royal box, Roman was panicking and desperately fighting for his emotions to remain in check. He wanted nothing more than to help Virgil, but the other royals were terrified and had no idea what to do.

The fire on the roof spread quickly and it started to collapse. "Come on! We must evacuate!! Now!" he yelled.

There was another horrifying screech from the Lava Surfer. Roman turned to see his mother making her way toward them. "Mother, this way! Hurry!! The roof will give out any second!"

The queen was trying to hurry, but the smoke and the flaming pieces of rubble were making it difficult for her.

A loud crack sounded above them. The prince looked up to see the main support beam on fire and cracking. He gasped and threw himself out of the way, as did the other royals. As it fell, he realized his mother was underneath it. He wasn't sure what he screamed, but he knew he screamed. The beam hit the floor and the box was slowly engulfed in flames and smoke. He and the other royals managed to escape, but then the viewing box collapsed.

Roman felt his heart racing and his head pounding. He thought he was going to vomit. There was so much screaming and so much fire. His mother was dead.

A cry broke him from his thoughts. He looked up to see Virgil on his dragon trying to battle the Lava Surfer. Ara was bleeding and he looked terrified. His heart twisted with fear. He couldn't lose him too.

The prince began to run. He ran like his life depended on it, even though it was really Virgil's life on the line. He knew what he had to do, the only way he could possibly save Virgil.

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