Chapter Thirteen: The Dinner of Champions

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As Virgil and Roman entered the banquet hall, the air buzzed with tension and anticipation. There were several others in the room awaiting the arrival of the Queen of Sun Glade and the King of Fire Stone. They were the main leaders of the alliance, and their presence would start the meal. 

The prince looked around at the other royals and their champions. He spotted several competitors that looked like they might pose a threat. Their scars and unpleasant expressions as they glared at each other tipped him off that they weren't ones to be messed with.

He leaned toward his companion. "Some of these champions don't appear to be very friendly," he pointed out.

"Obviously," Virgil muttered, scanning the room as well. His eyes flicked from face to face and his hands fidgeted nervously as he comprehended each one. There were several men who were larger than him, stronger than him, and more cutthroat that he could ever be. He was concerned with what they would be willing to do to win the upcoming competitions. "I don't like the looks of this..."

"Neither do I, that prince over there? He's a prick," Roman said. "Those princesses gossiping over there in the corner? They're probably a few minutes away from clawing each other's throat out. These people are all fake."

The stable boy sighed heavily. "I was talking about the champions, but the royals are just as unsettling when you point that out."

"Sorry, I shouldn't do anymore to freak you out," he realized, clearing his throat. He regained his composure as some of the other people in the room looked toward them. He lifted his chin and then gestured to their seats at the table. "Shall we sit and wait for my mother?"

Virgil looked at him in surprise. The man standing before him suddenly seemed nothing like the Prince Roman he knew. In just a couple of seconds, he transformed himself into the perfect example of royalty. He was regal, polite, and stoic. 

That's not Roman, that's just his facade, he thought as he nodded to the prince. I never thought about that.

They sat down and were joined by the other champions and royals. The table was long and decorated with luxurious cloth, candelabras, and bouquets of flowers. It was a beautiful set up, but it made Virgil feel even more out of place. 

Everyone around the table looked perfect in some definition of the word. There were so many beautiful suits and gowns that even though he was wearing a suit, he felt under-dressed. Some of them wore glistening jewelry with undoubtedly real jewels and crystals of great value. He swallowed back his nerves and took a deep breath. He could make it through one dinner.

Fortunately, the queen and the king arrived shortly and the dinner began properly. Everyone began chatting more freely as servants brought out enormous amounts of food and wine. 

The stable boy felt his stomach twist at the thought of children possibly starving on the streets. He intentionally took only a small portion of the food for himself and refused the wine; he had no desire to get drunk in front of a bunch of royals who were judging his every action. 

The eating part didn't last very long and soon, the main focus was on the conversation. It bounced between the royals and their champions. Roman occasionally contributed, but Virgil stayed silent and still apart form his fidgeting hands hidden beneath the table. He hoped that with luck he could make it through the whole banquet without having to say a word, but he was wrong.

"Well, it's certainly an interesting topic, but I'm more curious about Sun Glade's champion," a princess said, looking across the table at him. "I don't believe you've told us your name or where you're from."

I don't remember it being your business, he retorted in his mind. 

"This is Virgil Black, Princess Rebecca," Roman answered, flashing a smile his way. "He's-"

"I'd like to hear him tell us," a different royal said. A snobby looking prince leaned forward and peered at Virgil with narrowed eyes. "Where are you from, Mr. Black? Or are you a mute, incapable of speaking for yourself?"

A murmur went through the table at the comment. Virgil swallowed back the nerves and anger, lifting his chin just slightly. "You wouldn't know it," he replied. "Just a small kingdom to the north."

"Ah, so you've got a spine. You hear that, Nathaniel, he just might prove a challenge after all," the prince said to the man next to him.

The stable boy locked eyes with him. He was large, muscular, and covered in several scars. He looked at Virgil as though he was an insect. A low chuckle came from his mouth and he spoke in  a low voice. "I hear you put on quite the show down on the beach."

"Just doing what I could to help," he muttered. 

"I'd recommend sticking your nose somewhere else though," the man said, grinning maliciously. "It's not your place to interfere with others' dragons. After all, they belong to us, not you."

Virgil just glared at him. "I was simply preventing more violence. If you'd like me to let those people die next time, I shall."

The room went quiet. "I'd watch my tone if I were you," the other champion growled.

Virgil felt his blood boil, but backed off. He clenched his jaw and nodded. He looked down at his plate and just stayed silent. This warranted a round of taunts remarking on his submissiveness and comments suggesting he wasn't as impressive as they thought. The room was starting to spin a little as his breathing became ragged. 

Come on, calm down, this isn't even that bad, he told himself. They're just rude royals. You can handle this.

He couldn't; he was about to have a panic attack. Without thinking, he grabbed Roman's hand under the table and squeezed it as tightly as he could. The prince was startled for a moment, but he glanced at him, he understood immediately. 

Thinking quickly, he devised a plan to get them out of it. He feigned feeling lightheaded, pressing his hand to his forehead and wincing. "Pardon me, but I think the food isn't agreeing with me, or perhaps it's simply the change in the weather. I feel very faint all of a sudden. Virgil, if you wouldn't mind escorting me back to my quarters?"

"Y-Yes your Highness," he rushed out, standing up. Roman nearly fell over as he did the same, but the stable boy steadied him gently. 

"Ah, thank you," he replied. He then smiled apologetically to the other royals and champions. "Many apologies my friends, I'm just... not feeling well. I'm sure it'll pass with a good night's rest. I shall see you all tomorrow."

Virgil and Roman made their way out of the room, having convinced everyone of the situation. They played it safe, keeping up the act until they were safely inside the prince's room.

It was then that Roman began to giggle a little, which calmed Virgil down. He smirked a little at the prince as his nerves passed. "You're quite the actor, aren't you?" he pointed out. "You nearly had me fooled for a moment."

"Well I simply had to leave, my head was just aching! It was agonizing!" he whined dramatically, falling onto the sofa with a hand over his head. 

He looked up with a grin, seeing the upside down face of Virgil staring down at him. The stable boy shook his head. "You're ridiculous, but... thank you, Princey," Virgil said seriously. "That meant a lot to me."

"It's no problem," he replied. He smiled genuinely up at him.

Virgil wouldn't admit it yet, but he felt his heart swell at the sight.

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