Chapter 4

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I woke up and i was in Kios car. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Josh and Zach, Zach had a black eye and had blood all over his mouth.

K:Youre awake!

L:Yeaa..what happened Zach.


Jo:Ill explain , hes a little bit wound up

Jo:So Hannah was being extremely rude towards Zach and threatened him and he couldn't take it anymore and she started saying how Zach had bit you and killed you, which we all know isn't true, and that set him off and he lunged at Hannah just as Mason had formed back to human form, and he bit her in the neck and started feeding off of her..Then Mason realised what he was doing and full on punched him and me and Kio had to save the day and we got out of there fast.

L:Zach is this true?

Zach started crying and I realised that I had full on yelled at him.

Z:I'm sorry , I don't know what got into me Lizzie.

L:Its fine , Kio are you ok?

I look over at Kio , who looks abit drained and is shaking.

K:I I -

Z:He needs blood.

L:Well get some then!

Jo:Thats the problem , we don't have any and we are in the middl of nowhere.

L:Well then theres only one choice, Josh pass me your pocket knife.

I grab the knife and make a small slit in my arm and I wince at the pain.

L:Kio drink

K:No I cant,i don't want to hurt you,

L:Ill be fine , if you get out of control then I have Josh and Zach to help.

I held out my bleeding arm to Kio and he gave me a look of apology and the viens under his eyes stood out.I have to admit it did hurt abit but I trusted him, and Zach and Josh.It started hurting really bad and I could feel him draining my body.

L:Okay Kio that's enough


Jo:Kio she said stop

Zach dragged Kio off my arm and Josh held me tight.Kio was struggling in Zachs grip and you could tell he wanted more.After 5 minutes Kio returned to normal, well except for the fact his eyes were red and he had fangs.

Tears were forming in his eyes when he realised that Zach was holding him away from me,

K:Did did - did I do to much..


L:No don't worry about it Kio

Then I realised that we were in the middle of nowhere.

L:Wait guys where are we

K:I don't know..we had to get out of there quick so I just drove.

L:I'm scared

Kio held his arms out wide.

K:Come here princess.

I could feel him tense up when he smelt my blood but he held it in.I let go.



L:When we get home we are deffo throwing a party.

Z:Yall ill drive, Ill find us a way home I promise, you call Jaden and Avani


Jaden answered the phone when I called.

•bitten•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora