Chapter 8

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Jo:guys come on we need to leave now.
An:Yep let's get on the roadddd

I went out into the hall to see Kio running down the stairs bloodbag in hand looking stressed.
K:Has everyone got enough bloodbags?! And Lizzie have u got enough food nd stuff babe!?
Everyone:YESSS Jeez
L:Baby what's up why are you so stressed ?
K:I don't want anything to go wrong.
L:It'll be fine i promise.

A/N: this is legit the shortest thing ever but i wanted to update before i went to sleep cos i'm exhausted. Also ty cos i'm #24 in Kio Cyr! Pls vote and comment if you are enjoying it as it gives me inspiration. This is kind of a filler chapter as in the future there's gonna be TEA. ily 💘

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