Chapter 6

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We got into Kios car , which is a 7 seater seen as there is 7 of us now and we started heading to the party.
Maybe this isn't going to be terrible, but little did I know I was wrong, VERY wrong.

Kio helped me out of the car and we all started walking towards the house and we knocked.
Hannah came to the door and she smiled.
H:Mason they're here
Mason starter walking towards us.
M:Perfect , now get them!
Before I could even blink there was like 14 guys running towards us.The veins grew under everyone's eyes and they tried to fight them.
I must of blacked out, because the next thing i know I'm in a room tied up and i see Josh,Anthony,Zach and Kio in the other side of the room.
L:What's going on?!
K:He's tryna make us feed off you
L:What why?!
An:So that he can prove that we are monsters.
L:You guys aren't gonna tho right?
Z-:that's the problem, if we get hungry enough we will have no control.
L:Oh god
I looked over at Kio and tears started slipping from his red eyes. I reached over as far as I could and i put my leg on his.

L:It's gonna be okay
K:He's right, we are monsters
L:Shut up
I jumped back and Kios chains broke. He then stopped and stared at me.
K:Baby I'm so so-
L:Wait you're free! Help us out I have an idea.
K:I'm listening
L:If we can get everyone angry enough they'll be able to break the chains and they can escape.
L:Wait where are Jaden and Avani?!
K:Just look outside.
I looked out of the botled shut window and see Jaden And Avani outside being tied to the wall.
L:What's he doin to them?!
K:No no no that can't happen we need to hurry!
Z:He's gonna take their rings and they'll burn!
I look out and make eye contact with Avani and i see that she is crying. 'Its gonna be okay , we have a way out!' I mouth to her and she just wipes her tears and nods and nudges Jaden.

L:Now we just have to make Zach and Josh angry enough to break their chains..

K:How are we gonna do that!

L:I have an idea, pin me against the wall as if youre going to kill me (I whisper)

K:Ohhh okay

He pushed me against the wall and looks me dead in the eye, but I was trying my absolute hardest not to laugh.But I had to keep a serious face if I wanted Zach and Josh to get angry enough.My legs were starting to ache when I heard the clash of chains.

Z:GET OFF HER (Zach screams and launches at Kio)

L:ZACH ITS FINE , that was so we could get you angry.

Josh comes up to me and gives me a hug.

Jo:Are you okay?

L:Yea I'm fine , lets get out of here.

The door was locked but I unlocked it with a bobby pin.

Z:That's my bestieeee

We all laugh silently and we tip toe out of the door.Luckily everyone must of gone out somewhere because there was no one to be seen.

It was nightime so Avani and Jaden were safe until the sun came up.

Z+K:We'll look for the rings, you go help them escape


Me and Josh ran to the door and headed outside.There they were, Avani was crying her eyes out and Jaden was trying to comfort her.

L:guys its us

J:OMG Have you got our rings?

L:No Zach and Kio are looking for them , let me get you down.

Josh untied Jaden and I helped Avani down and wiped her cheek.

A:Thank you so much.


L:Its fine Av, now lets hurry up before they get back.

We all walked into the living room and found Kio and Anthony and Zach waiting with the rings.

I ran up to Kio and grabbed the two rings and gave them to Jaden and Avani.

A:Thank you

J:Right lets get out of here so they cant find us.

We ran outside and Kios car was still on the driveway.We all got in and I sat in the front next to Kio.

An:Erm guys(he said whilst we were driving)

L:Yea Ant

An:I think theyre following us.

He was right and we took a swift left turn and they didn't realise.

K:Jeez that was close 

Everyone:I knowwww
We drove home but Kio ushered us all into the house and told us to pack our things.
L+A:What why?!
K:We are moving , because we need to get away from Mason.
An:He has it for us now

I thought about it and they were right.It wouldn't really matter where we moved because I didn't have many friends here anyways seen as I only moved in last year.
L:Where are we moving to?
K:You'll see, it's my a plane though it's just a car drive.

I was low key excited for the move seen as I wanted to get far way from Mason seen as he's putting me in danger every single day .

AUTHORS NOTEEEE: I hope yall are enjoying the story so far.Im sorry this chapter is shorter.Ill update my other story soon lysm xó

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