Chapter 7

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Today was the day that me and Kio and everyone was going to LA. I personally was very excited but i could tell that it had stressed Kio out loads.
I wake up to the sound of Kio dropping something in his bathroom ( id slept in his bed for the last couple of nights) and i opened my eyes and i saw that my suitcase was all out on the floor.
L:Kio what are you doing baby?
K:Just checking you've got everything.
L:Right then...
I got out of bed and got dressed seen as our flight is at 10am. I ended up wearing this:

Kio looked over at me and smiled

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Kio looked over at me and smiled.
L:How do i look?
K:Fucking beautiful as always (he smirked)
L:Thank youuu babyyyy (i give him a kiss on the cheek)
I walk downstairs , Kio staying upstairs to quadruple check the bags and i see everyone's bags at the door and Anthony , Jaden and Josh were sat at the table drinking from blood bags.
An:Hiii Lizz
L:Hoi guys
J:Are you excited?
L:Hell yea
I walk into the kitchen to see Zach and Avani making eggs and bacon.
L:Guys i thought you don't eat?
Av:We don't , we just made you food to thank you for everything you've done for us.
L:Awww thanks guys ( i bring them into a small hug) I don't know what i'd do without you.
I was very excited for thus roadtrip. It seemed like my life was coming together:)

A/N:I'm so so sorry i haven't updated in like a month, i had no ideas for this whatsoever but now i do:) i'm going to make each chapter shorter but i'll updates more often :) ily xx

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