A Move is Made

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Ryan / Cry's P.O.V

A smug smirk played on my lips as an idea coursed through my head. A plan to find out Felix's feelings. He is a complex man, after all.

I twiddled with one of my loose brown locks, twisting it around my index finger. It was something I did when I was nervous or thinking.

I glanced out the window, noting that it was early morning, about eight. He shouldn't be up for a while. Long enough for me to get ready. I smirked again. My plan is perfect...

I trodded lightly to the bathroom, hearing snores as I passed Pewd's room. I opened the bathroom door and locked it behind me, a force of habit.

I looked in the mirror. Seeing that the dark circles under my eyes have started to become more pronounced than I would have liked. Reguardless, I need to be at least presentable today.

I turned on the shower and stripped of my pajamas, shivering slightly as the cold air embraced my bare body.

Once the water had reached a comfortable temperature I jumpped in, sighing in content as the warm water washed away the chill from my skin.

*skipping the shower and shiz*

I studied myself in the mirror, my hair combed to the side, a few stray locks falling in front of my eyes. I had used eyedrops so that my eyes didn't look so dull and lifelless. So now my eyes shone brighly, the gold streaks more pronounced. I tried my best to hide the dark circles with a small bit of concealer and used some chapstick to make my lips soft. I nodded in content, approving how I looked.

I quickly walked back to my room, still hearing light snores emitting from Felix's room.

I trodded over to my closet, choosing my best, yet casual, outfit. I chose a pair of faded black skinny jeans and a long-sleeved red and black striped shirt that was a bit tight, exactly what I wanted for today.
Time to work on breakfast...

*time skip because I am a time lord*

I prepared his favorite food... Waffles! I smiled and looked at the rather large stack of waffles I had made.

I heard small footsteps behind me.

"Ryyyyan, why do I smell waffles?" I smiled and turned around to see Felix, a bright smile spread on his lips.

"Oh I dunno... Maybe because I made us some?" I chucked, hinting sarcasm.

I noticed the outfit he was wearing, a rather tight blue t-shirt paired perfectly with dark blue skinny jeans and his Razor headphones dangling around his neck. I felt a light blush rise to my cheeks, he looked so perfect.

He looked at me and stopped in his tracks, his crystal blue eyes widening in fascination.

"Woah... Ryan, you look... Amazing..." He blushed lightly. I could feel my whole face heat up, flushing a bright red.

"T-thanks Pewds..."

A small awkward pause passed.

"So... wanna have some waffles, or are you just gonna stand there all day?" I raised an eyebrow at him, giving a crooked smirk.

"Of course we're gonna eat waffles. What else would we use all of them for?" I said rhetorically, still holding my crooked grin.

*yet an another amazing time skip*

"Hey Pewds?"

"Yea?" I smiled at him, I know his weakness... scary movies...

"Let's watch a scary movie!" He looked at me nervously.

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