Mall Adventures, Botdf, and... SMOSH?!?!?

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Felix/Pewd's P.O.V

I woke up to a soft chirping above me. I reluctantly opened my eyes to see that I was still in the beautiful medow that Ryan showed me. A light frown played on my lips as I recalled the events of yesterday. I learned of Cry's dangerous state of mind, and of his self harm.

I looked down to a pair of big beautiful aqua eyes staring back at me, a smile crept it's way to my lips, replacing the small frown. "Morning, Beautiful" I slurred, still feeling the slowness of sleep stick to me.

"Morning, Pewds," I smiled, seeing his cheeks blush a little bit when I started to play with his soft hair. "Did we really fall asleep here?" He chuckled, sitting up a bit.

"Yeah, we did."

"Oh..." He looked around a bit before sitting oddly, the balls of his feet supporing the rest of his body while his arms hugged his knees.

"Why the hell are you sitting like that?" I wondered out loud, narrowing my eyes quizzically.

"What? Im just sitting like L," I was drawing up blanks, so I just stared at him. "L, from Death Note? Dont tell me you've never seen Death Note."

"Nope, never head of it." He let out an exaggerated gasp and gave me a fake hurt expression.

"LATER TONIGHT WE ARE WATCHING ANIME TOGETHER! IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" I laughed at his entusiasm and pushed him lightly, making him lose his balence and fall down. He glared at me, flipping me the bird.

"Fuck you..."

"Awe, love you too babe!" I winked at him and stood up, picking him up bridal style.

"And where are we going, mister?" I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Home, but I want to explore some more today, if thats okay with you." He blushed and muttered a small 'okay' before cuddling into my arms.
Awe, he's so cute...

*le skippity skip*

"YOUR ATTRACTIVE, LITTLE WHICH! YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!" I walked into Cry's bedroom to see him singing loudly to a song that I didn't know. I laughed softly and tapped his shoulder, making him jump a little bit. "P-Pewds!" He pulled out his ear buds.

"Im ready to go when you are."


"What were you singing?" He looked at me with a slight apprehension in his eyes.

"Uhh... Blood on the dance floor..." He muttered, picking up his mask and fastening it around his face. I have to be honest, it looks weird to see him with it on after going almost a week without it.

"Hmm, you'll have to show it to me in the car. It sounds interesting!" I smiled and patted his head.

We walked out the door and walked to Ryan's car, all the while our fingers perfectly knitted together, fitting together perfectly like puzzle pieces...

*another rime skip because this is a long chappie*

"Oh my god..." The last half hour had been filled with some of the dirtiest songs I have ever heard.

"What? You seemed to really like sluts get guts!" He laughed, pecking my cheek as we walked up to the rather large mall.

"I have to say, that band has more issues. than me... and I love it! And that would be some really good sexy time music." I gave him a small wink, seeing his face turn a bright red under his mask. He slapped the back of my head, earning a small yelp from me.

"Bad Pewds!"

"What?! I was just saying the truth!!" He just shook his head and entered the mall.


Cry/Ryan's P.O.V

I was doubled over in hysyerics as Pewds snuck up behind a emo couple in Hot Topic and thew a pink boa around them, earning nasty glares and a few chuckles from some of the employees.

"C'mon, stupid, lets go to F.Y.E" He looked at me excitedly and ran out of the store, dragging me along with him.

I accidentally bumped into someone, making her yelp and fall start to fall over. I quickly caught her by her arm and stood her up. "S-sorry!!" I looked over at Felix who was casually trotting back over to us. "Damn it Felix, get yo ass back over here!" I called to him, fixing my mask.

"Its okay, no need to apologize!" The girl chirped, running her fingers through her short brown hair. I noticed she was only a little bit shorter than me, maybe around 5'10", a pair of thick rimmed glasses sat precariously on her nose, threatening to fall off. She wore a chibi style yoshi t shirt and a pair of grey skinny jeans.

"Thats a weird mask," she tapped my mask lightly with her index finger, her brown eyes shining with curiosity.

"Umm... yeah... I guess"

"Hai!" I turned to see Pewds smiling enthusiastically at the short girl.

Her jaw dropped as she saw the blonde, her brown eyes widening in shock.

"OHMYGODYOURPEWDIEPIE!!!" She clamped her arms around him in a tight bear hug, smiling like a mad woman.

"Umm... Yeah, but can you please let go? Your kinda cushing me..." He muttered.

"Oh, sorry... But I cant believe I'm meeting you!" She let go of him and smiled enthusiastically.

"Its always good to meet a bro!" He gave her a bro fist before knitting his hand with mine. She gave us a quizzical look, but quickly shook it off, turning to me.

"Then you must be,"

"Cry" I muttered, standing a bit closer to Pewds.

"Sarah?" A male voice called, followed by two men. One had brown hair cut into a bowl haircut, and peircing blue eyes. The other had styled dark brown hair, tanned skin and a leaner build.

The blue eyed one grabbed the girl's (who must be Sara) hand, looking at me with question.

"Is he bothering you?" Sara looked at him and smiled.

"No, not at all, Ian!"

The tanned man looked at Pewds, a bright smile spread across his lips.


"Anthony! Ian! Long time no see guys!"

Felix hugged them both before explaining that he was staying in Floida with me.

"Then this must be the mysterious Cry we've heard about. We're Ian and Anthony, from smosh." Anthony chirped. Ian looked down at how our hands were intertwined.

"So... um... your a couple?" I looked at Pewds neviously, seeing his face beamed happily.

"Yep" He said, popping the p. Sara looked at us with intruige before going all fangirl crazy...

This is going to be a long day...

LONG ASS CHAPTER! I HOPE YOUR HAPPY! this chapter was dedicated to my friend Peachyyoshi or Sara. (Shes a realky good friend of mine, go check her out!!) Hope you enjoyed it!!
Well you ducks know the drill, read, vote, comment, stay fab, BAHHHHIIII!!!

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