I'll Help You Through This (END- Part 1)

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Felix/Pewd's P.O.V

My phone vibrated in my pocked, I pulled it out to see that the number was from the Therapist's office. I tapped answer and held the phone up to my ear.


"Hi! Um, Mr. Kjellberg, Ryan here would like you to be here for this next step in his therapy." I frowned lightly, wondering what this 'step' could be, but shrugged it off.

"Of course, and umm..."


"Minx, call me Felix, none of this formality shit." I chuckled.

"Okay then, Felix. Please be here as soon as possible!" I smiled and said a breif goodbye before hittng 'end'.


I arrived at the Therapist's about twenty minutes after the call. I walked up the steps and knocked rhythmically on the door.

It soom swung open to show a girl with brown hair that had a streak of purple racing through her bangs. I assumed that she was Minx.

"Felix! Come in, we're just about to start the hypnosis." I recoiled a bit at hearing hypnosis.

"Wait, your gonna hypnotize him?" She nodded and explained how Ryan needed to confront Mad, and the only way to do that (in theory) is hypnosis.

I nodded and followed her to where Ryan was. He was sitting on a comfortable looking chair, his eyes closed in thought.

"Hey, Beautiful." I said softly,  sitting next to him.

"Hey, Felix." He smiled at me and pecked my cheek. But I noticed that his hands were shaking with nervousness. I gave him a calm smile and brushed through his hair with my fingers in an effort to calm him. He did seem to relax a bit, which made me relived.

"So, Ryan. Your gonna have to lay down for me," Minx gestured at the couch on the other side of the room.

He stood up and did as she told, he layed down and closed his eyes.

"And Felix, if you want you can hold his hand or something. Physical contact with you might actually help him in this." I nodded and walked up to Ryan, holding his bandaged hand gently in my own.

"Ryan, just relax. And let your mind go blank" He visibly relaxed and let out a small sigh.
Please god let this work...

Cry/Ryan's P.O.V

I relaxed and cleared my mind.

(Okay, so... i dont know how this stuff works... at all... .-. I sowee... so im hot gonna put in the description of the process and be abysmally wrong. Okay? Okay.)

My eyes snapped open to reveal a dark room, seemingly empty. Until a horribly familiar voice rang in my ears, and an exact copy if me, but with red eyes and a croocked smile, appeard in front of me.

"Hey, Cry! It took you long enough to get here..." He said, his voice shooting shivers up my spine. But I stood my ground.

"Mad, I can't deal with your shit anymore." I muttered, my teeth clenched together and my fists clenched.

"Oooh! Im sooooo scared!!" He mocked, laughing maniacally. "Cry, you know this is a fight you cant win."

I glared at him.

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean I cant try." He rolled his eyes and let out a large sigh.

3rd person P.O.V

Mad laughed and turned away from Cry, gingerly trodding around the small room.

"Cry, you can't beat me because I AM you. But if you want to kill yourself," He fling his arms wide open. "Come at me"

Cry, who was losing his patience, flung himself at the insane man. His fist colliding with the other's nose.

Mad cried out and stepped back, holding his now bleeding nose.

"You mother Fucker! I was going to let you live, but now, your a dead man." He hissed, grabbing at Cry's neck. Cry dodged and kicked at Mad's shin in a counter strike, sending Mad collapsing onto the floor.

"I used to think that you were helping me, that you actually cared for me. But no, you only ruined my life, you used me for your own sick pleasure." Mad hissed in respone, attempting to stand up, but recived a sharp kick to the stomach, making him collapse yet again. "Who's stronger now?"

The collaped thing coughed, blood splattering the floor.

"Y-you idiot! You Need me! You're too weak to be without me!"

"No I don't, besides I have Felix." He let out a bone chilling laugh.

"That weak bitch?! He can't do anything for you, let alone protect you! He's a pathetic exuse for a human! Just like you!" He spat, blood still dripping fron the sidebof his mouth and nose.

"SHUT UP! NEVER. TALK. ABOUT. FELIX. LIKE. THAT!" Cry kicked the collapsed body inbetween his words, every time feeling stronger than before.

The man dry heaved, clutching his stomach and wailing.

"You see Mad," Cry leaned close to the almost lifeless body. "You're  nothing but a bad dream now." His red eyes widened in fear as Cry kicked him in the chest, cracking his ribs, and ending his life.

Its done...

This nightmare is over...

HOLY SHIAAAAT!! CRY IS A LITTLE BAD ASS ISN'T HE? And sadly yes, this is the first part to the final chapter of the story ;-; BUT THERE SHALL BE A SEQUEL!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Thats all for now! Stay fabulous, and go shave a squirrel! *boob squeeze*

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