Therapy (Part 1)

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Felix/Pewd's P.O.V

I frowned as I ran to Cry's room, hearing the sound of somthing smashing against the ground from inside.

I became worried, jiggling the door handle futily. Locked.
Damn it Ryan! Not again!

"Cry, let me in... I'm sorry," I heard a faint shuffling and the sound of sniffling from the other side of the door.

I heard the door unlock with a faint 'click', and it opened to reveal a disheveld, and broken looking Ryan. His eyes slightly red and puffly and small claw marks around his ears.

I looked down to his hand to see small cuts lining his pale white skin and dripping with blood.

It happened again...

I frowned and carfully held his hands in mine, kissing his forehead softly. "Oh Ryan..." He looked up at me with desperate, pained eyes.

"I can't help it..." He whispered, small tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"I know, I know..." I carefully wiped the tears away with my thumbs. "I want to help you with this, Ryan."

"But how?" I smiled at him reassuringly, smoothing his hair down to calm him.

"I dont know if if will work, but i want you to try it for me," He looked up and nodded.

"I want you to try therapy..."

He looked at me with apprehension, his eyebrows knitted together.

"I-I'll try..." He muttered.

I smiled at him and took his hands again, looking them over.

"Good... Now let's get you cleaned up."

*2 days later*

Ryan starts his therapy today, and I'm praying to god that it helps. It killed me to see the beautiful boy I love in so much pain and turmoil.

"Call me when your done, I'll come pick you up." He gave me a weak smile before pecking my cheek in goodbye.

He carfully opened the car door, trying not to hurt his injured hand. "I love you"

"Love you too"

He gave me one last look before leaving the car and heading up the steps to the Therapist's.
I pray to God that this works...

Hey!! Long time no see there!! How y'all doing?? Fabulous? Thats great! Lol.

So cry is getting his therapy on! Will it work? Who knows? (Me)
But that all i gotta say! Stay fabulous and go shave a squirrel! *boob squeeze*

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