Truth or Dare

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Cry's P.O.V

We all sat in a circle on the living room floor. Playing rock paper scissors to see who goes first.

Anthony won, his mischievous grin shining brightly. "Pewds, truth or dare"

"Dare, bitch" We all laughed as he did his fabulous hair flip.

"I dare you... to do an exotic dance for Cry!" I felt my face burn from blushing and my eyes widened. Well this escalated quickly...

I looked at pewds to see that he was blushing too, but still smiling.

"Challenge accepted!"

We both stood up, I went to the couch and sat down, while Pewds stood in front of me, pulling off his shirt. I blushed even more seeing his toned body, it wasnt riped but it wasnt flabby either. It was perfect, a faint outline of his muscles showed on his stomach.

"I need music! Play something sexy!" Ian pulled out his phone and started playing Sexy Back.

He started moving and my jaw dropped.

His hips moved perfectly in time with the music, swaying almost hypnotically. He raised his arms above his head and moved a bit faster, his stomach muscles working with the music. I never knew he could dance like this... god damn he's sexy...

I felt whole face burn as I watched him, a smug smirk played on his lips as he noticed the effect he had on me.

He turned and shook his ass a little, making me blush even more, of that was even possible.

He turned back around to face me and gave me his crooked smirk.

"P-Pewds I-I don-" He lifted up my mask a bit to expose my lips and cut me off with his finger, pressing it gently to my lips.

"Shhhh," He leaned close to my ear and whispered huskily into it. "Just sit back and enjoy..."  I shivered and obeyed, shutting up and watched him. 

"Okay you two, thats enough..." Sara called. "Awe, but I was having fun!" Pewds whined, putting his hands on his (very talented) hips.

"You two can fuck later, not in front of us!" Ian laughed. I blushed and pulled my mask back down.

"Pewds, put your shirt back on"

"I dont wanna!" He said in a childish voice.
"And maybe I don't want him to either..." I whispered, only loud enough for Pewds to hear. He blushed and pecked my cheeck.

"Your lucky I love you, you sexy bitch" I murmured, leaning against the shirtless Swede.

"I love you too"

"Okay, we actually gotta get going, we have some shit to do around the house to get ready for Food Battle. See ya gay boys later!"

"Bai straight people!!" Pewds called as they left, making me laugh.

Pewds smirked mischievously at me and pulled my mask off my face, crashing his lips against mine.

Well that escelated quickly...

I updated twice today... bacause i love you all, and im sorry its short.... And it's the 20th chapter special!! Yay!! So i made it a bit... smexy... :3 next chapter will be... interesting... to say the least... :3
Read, vote, comment, stay fab! Baaahhhhhiiii!!!

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