Chapter Seven

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Recommended song:  Where's my love by SYML. Sam Feldt edit

January 17, 2020

Alfie and Garrett's POV

Oh God. Oh God. The realization of what just happened clearly mortified Alfie. Noah's head jerked quickly in shock when he heard what his brother had addressed his band mate as. "Bear?" He thought incredulously.

"Um. Well ok Alfie." Noah tried laughing off the increasingly awkward moment.

As he heard his brother introducing him to his bearman he finally looked up sheepishly to him and managed to painfully stammer out a greeting.

"Hi." He said, his mouth felt like it was full of cotton. His trembling hands reaching out to shake the young mans hand.

Garrett simply stood and stared at Alfie. Was he actually standing in front of him? He dared not blink or move in fear that it was just an illusion, a wonderfully adorable, cute as a very red button illusion. So he stared, unblinking, unmoving, at the equally stunned man.

He didn't take his hand at first until Noah gently nudged him out of his state. Liam and Noah exchanged knowing looks and were taken aback by what was going on between Garrett and Alfie.

Both knew that Garrett was shy but he looked petrified to even speak to their younger brother. Alfie who is generally confident and fun was standing next to them like an angst filled teenager. Liam was trying hard not to laugh but it was comical seeing the giant of a man acting like a scared kitten.

"Soooooo Alfie, Garrett is our new guitarist" Liam said, staring the obvious. Alfie just nodded his head.

"Uh, Garrett" he said pointing to Alfie "Um Alfie plays the violin and fiddle". Noah tried to get a conversation between them started but it was obvious that both were to nervous to say anything.

He's staring at me, Alfie thought. Why doesn't he smile? Am I smiling? He wondered then flashed Garrett his trademark grin.

Garrett's response was to turn even redder and look back at him with wide eyes. Liam cut the tension by nudging Garrett once again and telling him they should get back stage. Their set was going to start soon. Garrett nodded and turned away, walking away disappointed with himself.

Why couldn't you just say hi? The embarrassment nearly put him in tears until Noah seemed to sense his inner turmoil.

"It's ok Garrett. You can talk to him later, we will hang out and have a couple beers." Noah said encouragingly. Garrett managed a small smile. "Okay".

Alfie watched Garrett on the stage, his eyes never leaving the imposing figure once. During the first half of the set Garrett was hiding in the dark parts of the stage and Liam and Noah trying to nudge him into the light. It took a while for Garrett to get comfortable.

It was halfway through their set that a change took over Garrett. He seemed lost in the song and could feel his anxieties skipping away. He stepped up to the mic and sang "Meant To Stay Hid".

His voice was clear, haunting, held so much emotion and when Garrett looked at him with his soul drenching eyes Alfie felt a current through his body and a gasp escaped his lips.

I wasn't built for this
My head can't make any damn sense of this so it sings
Can't remember the smell and I
Can't recall the taste but I try everyday

If I wasn't so afraid
I'd shine a light up to space
Then my soul could be
Strong enough to see your face
One more day
One more day

Liam and Noah continued to play and looked at one another like proud parents. They had never seen Garrett so sure of his singing, so confident and they knew it was a turning point for him. They looked down at the source of his change and saw their younger brother completely and utterly mesmerized by their new friend.

They nodded to each other, a silent promise to support them.

"That was something, eh Liam?" Noah said to his brother after they headed backstage where Garrett was already going to the dressing room.

"Let's go check on Garrett then we will grab a couple beers with Alfie" Liam said as he walked into the room, saddened at the sight of Garrett.

He was sitting on the floor with his legs curled up to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs.

"Did I do okay?" He asked, his voice full of sorrow.

Liam felt his heart break for his new friend. What has he gone through in his life? He wondered.

Both he and Noah sat beside him on the floor.

"Garrett, you did great! You owned the stage! Did you see the crowd? They were totally into it! You did so well." Noah said putting his arm around his shoulders.

"Garrett, even if you mess up or forget words, or use the wrong chords, it will always be okay with us. This will always be your safe space. We will never be upset if you make a mistake. Friends don't care about that sort of thing" Liam said reassuringly.

Garrett looked up, wiped his face and asked with such hope in his face. "We are friends?"

Liam was so touched by him, he knew he would never leave his side.

"We will be best of friends even when we are old men with hands so arthritic we can barely play the guitar anymore. I promise". Noah reassured him.

Garrett beamed at him and leaned on Noah and felt safe for the first time in a long time.

"Friends" Garrett said so soft that the two other men barely heard him, but they did and repeated it for him. "Friends".

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