Chapter Twenty

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Recommended song: Wild by Troye Sivan

March 1, 2020

Alfie's POV

A/N sexual content.

The way Garrett  touched him left Alfie breathless. He knew what he needed and wanted before Alfie did and his tongue and fingers played his body like a well tuned instrument.

Alfie was a panting, moaning mess. Incoherent and barely able to speak 20 minutes into Garrett's complete ownership of his ass. He began with his tongue licking, flicking and teasing his hole then began to add fingers. One. Two. Finally three and stretched him generously. He was a hot mess of lose limbs and sensitive nerves.

"Bear" Alfie could barely muster.

"What is it baby" he asked, continuing with his sweet torture.

"Please" was all he could stammer out.

"Please what baby. You gotta use your words or I won't know what you want". Garrett said seductively, teasing the writhing, moaning sexy man.

"For God's sake Garrett, fuck me" Alfie half screamed at him.

"Oh baby. Such dirty words from such a pretty mouth..." Alfie shuddered at the words, turned on and aching. "As you wish".

Garrett's POV

He knew Alfie was prepped and ready so he  slowly started to slide his large erection into Alfie's eager entrance. He leaned forward and kissed the man's back and began whispering to him, hoping he would relax even further.

"I'm going to make you feel so good baby. I won't hurt you... Unless you want me to." Alfie groaned but melted slightly. Garrett smiled. He was surprised at what was coming out of his mouth but Alfie seemed to love it so Garrett continued with his dirty talk.

"You have the sweetest boy hole. It's so pretty.. I could spend a Sunday afternoon just dining on your ass." Garrett whispered. 

"Garrett now" Alfie moaned in his demanding way.

He knew Alfie was prepped and ready so he  slowly started to slide himself in further. Alfie's breath hitched but Garrett didn't let up until he was fully in. It felt amazing. He didn't move for a moment until Alfie started backing up into him. Garrett took the hint and grabbed his hips and began thrusting himself into him.

He reached down and stroked Alfie a few times then put both hands on Alfie's shoulder blades and pushed him further into the bed, propelling his ass to come back up like a pop up tent.

"Oh yeah baby. I'm gonna smash this pretty ass of yours."

"God yes Garrett, smash it good. Take it all. Fill it. Use me" Alfie moaned.

Garrett was so turned on by the gorgeous man with the vulgar tongue. He couldn't believe his sweet man could move like this, talk like this, fuck like this. He was barely holding back his orgasm and desperately didn't want it to end.

He slapped Alfie's ass. "Get on your back" and quicker than Garrett could blink Alfie was eagerly moving.

"Yes Bear. Take me. I want to watch you".  He moved his legs onto Garrett's shoulders and hung onto Garrett's knees as he pummeled him mercilessly. Alfie's moans were bordering obscene and Garrett couldn't hold on any longer.

"Baby I'm going to cum. Cum with me baby. Cum with me".

Alfie let loose and continued to shake for several minutes after, his orgasm coming in powerful waves.

Garrett had never experienced such pure bliss in his life than what he experienced with Alfie. It was beyond his wildest expectations. He was completely overcome with sensations and it was a while before he could breathe normally, let alone talk. They rolled into each other, no words were necessary and just lay in their afterglow.

They listened to each other breathe. Alfie listened to Garrett's steady heartbeat as he laid his head on his chest. He softly ran his fingers up and down Alfie's soft back. Words were not necessary at that moment. Alfie looked up at him, admiring the handsome man that had him in his arms. Such peace washed over him and he could feel his love for this beautiful man expand past all of the cels in his body.

"Bear?" Alfie said quietly.

"Hmm?" Garrett answered with his eyes still closed. He looked down at Alfie and gave him his full attention.

"Can I tell you something? You don't have to say it back but I want to tell you".

"What if I want to say it too?" Garrett asked him.

"What if we both say it on the count of three?" Alfie suggested.

Garrett nodded and smiled. Alfie began counting.

"One tw..."

"I love you Alfie" Garrett burst out.

Alfie just laughed. "You said it on two. Barely two!!"

Garrett just shrugged and grinned.

"I love you so much Bear. You matter so much to me". He leaned up and kissed him.

"I love you too Alfie. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I adore you." Garrett brought him in even closer. They lay like that for a long while before their stomaches grumbled loudly signaling it was time for dinner.

They got out of bed, albiet Alfie was sore and moving slowly. He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

A few minutes later Alfie called from the hallway "can I wear one of your shirts bear?"

"You bet. Top drawer in the dresser."

Garrett's heart nearly did a somersault when he saw Alfie walk towards him. His hair was still wet from the shower, his smile was mesmerizing and how sexy  Garrett's shirt fit on him.

It was huge on his smaller frame, hanging adorably down to his knees. The collar fallen down to the side, exposing his shoulder. He wasn't wearing anything but the shirt and a smile and Garrett felt his flesh come to life.

"You're gonna kill me Alfie". Garrett groaned. Alfie simply smiled and reached for a piece of BBQ chicken pizza.

Garrett was distracted by Alfie but managed to eat 4 slices of pizza and half of the chicken wings. They settled into the couch, snuggling and light kissing while they watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Garrett hadn't seen any of the movies, much to the horror of Alfie and they had been watching all the series whenever they could.

"I had a great day. Thank you bear". Alfie leaned up and kissed him. As he was pulling away Garrett pressed down on him, urging more of a kiss. Alfie gladly complied, crawling up on Garrett's lap making a meal out of his neck.

Garrett grabbed his bare ass and pulled him in even closer. He lifted him up and carried him to the bedroom, Alfie's legs and arms wrapped around him.

"Let's go to bed darlin" Garrett winked at him.

"Gladly" Alfie winked back.

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