Chapter Eighteen

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Photo of University of British Columbia campus

Recommended song - Harvest Moon by SYML

February 27,  2020

Garrett's POV

As he lay in bed, with Alfie sleeping soundly in his arms he couldn't help but wonder if this is how he could have felt during his life.

If things had been different.

If his life had been better.

Is this happiness? Is this feeling safe? Is this security? Is this love? Yes!, and he thrived in it.

His world had gone from being so small and insignificant to a huge wonderful world where he welcomed new people, new experiences and new challenges.

Gone were the days of hand to mouth, getting by, making do. No, it wasn't his finances that changed drastically, although the extra bit he made performing with the band helped. It was his outlook that had completely changed.

The days of limited communication to coworkers was gone and he found everyone warming up to him.

He was an active participant in conversations, he smiled easily and warmly and was quick to share his opinions. He was the driver in his vehicle in life.

Sharon had called him a few days before  to ask about his progress on his University application. He was proud to let her know the application had been filled out and the student loans were sent out. All he was waiting for was acceptance letter to begin university in the fall.

Sharon was thrilled and talked excitedly about the professors she knew at the University and how lucky he was to learn from them. She guided him to some resources in Ministry of Family and the upcoming conference that he should attend. Sharon was proving to be an excellent friend and he was thankful.

"You have to meet Tyler" she repeated. Sharon had insisted on them meeting for weeks now and he had already set up a meeting before he called Sharon because he knew she would tell him to call Tyler.

"Actually, I already called him" Garrett laughed. Sharon was laughing on the other end of the phone.

"We have some friends in common. Small world, eh? Tyler and I are meeting tomorrow at the Gallery Lounge at the university. He's going to give me a tour. We've talked on the phone a couple times and yeah he's pretty awesome" Garrett said enthusiastically.

By the time they met up at the university it felt like they were old friends. Tyler and Garrett had chatted on the phone several times and Garrett felt like he was meeting his best friend.

They laughed so much that Garrett was doubled over and Tyler begged him to stop so he could catch his breath. Never in his life had Garrett laughed so hard or loud.

The amount that they had in common was incredible. They had both been abused, both suffered terribly with a fire, both in foster care, both in University, both wanting to help children in care,  both musically inclined, both gay. The list went on to include favorite movies, songs and food. It was eerie how alike they were but Tyler and Garrett just fit.

They had quite a few friends in common and had played at the same venues, Tyler was surprised they hadn't met before this. Garrett chucked, "well I wasn't exactly social before."

"Yeah you were a stick in the mud" Tyler teased.

Tyler understood though. He remembered how miserable his life was before he made the decision to dig in his heels and make the changes in his life. It was one simple decision, to switch schools, that changed his life forever. One simple decision. For Tyler it was changing schools, for Garrett it was answering an ad in the newspaper.

Another benefit to being friends with Tyler is that he was not shy about discussing sex. For Garrett who always thought of it as a dark secret, a taboo, it was incredibly liberating for him to sit casually over coffee and talk about it. Garrett had a ton of questions and Tyler was more than happy to answer them. Benjamin, his fiance, was his first and only love and although his experience was limited to one person, that was one more than Garrett had.

Garrett wanted to have a sexual relationship with Alfie but wasn't sure if he should make the first move or not.

He got a punch in the arm for that remark by Tyler, followed by a laugh.

"Oh for God's sake G, just own it. Be confident. Kiss him like your life depended on it, he will pick up what your throwing down. Garrett laughed and shook his head.

"I gotta take you shopping first" Tyler said with his all knowing look. "You need stuff". Garrett didn't ask him any questions.

"When do you see Alfie next? Do you have a date planned?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah. Saturday". Garrett replied.

"What's your plan?"

Garrett filled him in on the details  and he couldn't help but notice the smirk on his face.

"Perfect. Tomorrow we shop".

A/N. Tyler is a much loved character from "Love of my life" which is completed and found in my book list here on Wattpad. You will recognize some other characters in there too.

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