Chapter Thirty Nine

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Noah and Cal sitting on dock at Alouette Lake.

Recommended song - Paradise by George Ezra

Saturday March 14, 2020

Noah and Cal's POV

"Cal fell." Noah said simply. The men voiced their concerns towards Cal who just  laughed and said he was quite fine.

Noah asked Cal if he wanted to head back and let the others carry on with their hike. Cal was quite relieved. He thought that he could be the "hiking type of guy" but after realizing that hiking requires physical stamina and a fondness of the outdoors he can say with certainty that he hates hiking.

"Let's go back." Cal suggested and Noah just nodded. They knew they had to acknowledge what was going on between them. Ignoring it wasn't an option for either of them.  There was a moment of tenderness between them that surprised both of them.

It had been a  moment that was fleeting and intimate. A moment that neither expected. A moment they both wanted to talk about and so they walked back to the lake in silence. The quiet was peaceful. It gave them time to gather their thoughts.

Neither men were awkward with the situation, if they were uncomfortable there would be that awful making conversation for the sake of making conversation. Just filling the air with verbal nothingness. Worse would be the awkward jokes. No, there was none of that.

It was two men walking to the lake in comfortable silence, sitting on the dock noticably closer than how they usual .

Cal was the first to speak. "Noah, I don't know what this is. I knew that you were very attentive towards me but I havent known you long at all so I thought it was just how you are.

I have never had these feelings towards another man before." He looked up at Noah and continued. "I don't know if this is a strong friendship, or something more but I don't want to label it. I don't want to put this in a category. I don't want to lose your friendship. I want you in my life. I need you in my life."

Noah was taken aback by Cal's vulnerability and saying exactly how he felt and what he needed from him.

"I don't know what this is either. I know that I feel good when I'm around you. I want to take care of you. I like how you take care of me.  I want to be there for you. I  like how you talk to me, I like how you make me feel, I like how you look and how you smell and how I am so aware of your emotions without you having to say a word.

I have never met someone and had such an immediate connection before. Never. I love that you said you don't want to put a label on it. Neither do I. I want to see where this is going because it's clear that we already mean a lot to each other. I want you in my life and if it leads to more then I embrace it and if it stays as friends I accept that too. I just don't want to push down my feelings for you because it's unfamiliar." Noah took hid hand and Cal slid his fingers in-between Noah's.

"They fit." Cal said quietly.

"They do." Noah looked at the man sitting beside him, the one whose heart was open and willing to let Noah in. The man who he never expected yet here he was, looking at Noah with those eyes that he could read so well.

"Can I kiss you?" Noah asked, his voice  areky above a whisper. Cal leaned in and put his hand on the back of Noah's neck, pulling him in closer. Their lips met and it started as nervous peck and release but after a moment Noah licked Cal's upper lip.

That broke the ice and Cal gripped Noah and pulled him close. The kiss was slow, tender, intimate and everything  a kiss should be. They broke away and heard some clapping behind them. There stood everyone, clapping and smiling and Garrett had the biggest grin of all. "It's about time!!" Liam cheered.

Noah just laughed and Cal hid his face in Noah's shoulder. "Well that was something but let's to check on Sam." Cal said, taking Noah's hand after he stood up.

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