Chapter Twenty Three

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Recommended song - for him by Troye Sivan

March 7, 2020

Alfie's POV

Adam managed to open the bathroom door with Allison's bobby pin. He quickly opened the door and Allison ran over and wrapped  Garrett in her arms. Adam was on his knees enveloping them both and Alfie just stood there, frozen.

The man he had come to love was so utterly broken and he doubted the image will ever leave him. Garrett wasn't crying anymore but he definitely wasn't aware of his surroundings. He was in shock.

Allison looked up at Alfie and held her hand out. Alfie took the three steps to the trio and wrapped himself around his bear.

Garrett sensed Alfie's presence and leaned into him, pulling him closer.

"I got you Bear" Alfie soothed, nestling his fingers in his beard. "I got you."

Allison kissed them both on their foreheads and she and Adam closed the bathroom door behind them.

"Alfie?" Garrett sounded so childlike.


"I want to go home" He buried his head in the crook of Alfie's neck.

"Of course love. You will stay at my house and I will put you to bed. You are safe now Bear."

Alfie leaned down and took Garrett's lips gently, softly, tenderly. He got up, rinsed a facecloth with cold water and wiped Garrett's face.

"Let's go home." Alfie reached for his hand.

Adam drove them home and helped Garrett into Alfie's apartment. "Call if you need anything". Alfie saw him out and waved goodbye.

Alfie ran a bath, added some Epson salt and gently nudged Garrett off the couch. He lead him to the bathroom and quietly stripped him.

"Get in the tub love, it will feel nice".

Garrett silently got in and sat down. Alfie stripped and slid in behind him.

"Scoot up love, I need some room".

Alfie gently washed Garrett, kissing his neck and back. "Do you want me to do your hair?" Garrett nodded. Alfie turned on the shower wand and got to work massaging the shampoo into his scalp. Alfie took his time washing his beard, softly kissing him every once in a while. Once Garrett was freshly cleaned, Alfie got out of the tub and pulled the fluffiest towel from the linen cupboard.

"Let's dry you off and get you in bed".  Garrett had left jammie pants at Alfie's so he slipped then on Garrett before getting him into bed. He turned to leave the room and Garrett grasped his hand.

"Don't leave me".

"Never Bear. I'm just turning off the lights and getting us a glass of water. I will be right back."

Garrett nodded and shifted down into the bed. Alfie pulled on his boxers and slid into Garrett's arms.  Neither man spoke, they simply looked at each other for a long while. His breathing settled and smiled gently at Alfie.

Garrett needed Alfie like he needed oxygen, he was his world wrapped up in a beautiful amazing man. Reaching out he pulled Alfie closer. Garrett got on top of him, resting his forearms on the bed so as not to squish him. He kissed him lovingly.

He was silently invited in as Alfie shifted  his legs wider to accommodate him. Their lips never left each other as Garrett made  love to Alfie. It was slow, deep, and steady. Each thrust hit Alfie's prostate and sent him further and further over the edge.

It was gentle and tender yet so full of passion. Words didn't need to be spoken. They were taking, receiving, back and forth and it was the most beautiful moment they had ever shared. It was proper making love with such tenderness that they were both overcome with feelings for one another when they each climaxed.

It was a strange dream that woke Garrett up in the middle of the. He had awoke with a gasp and sat straight up in bed. The movement and noise woke Alfie.

"Bear, what is it?" Alfie asked coaxing him back lay down.

"It was a dream. A weird dream. I was 10 again, standing at the lake where the accident happened. Cal was there, he was an adult but I knew it was him. He was smiling. He was walking towards me with something in his hands and when he reached me he held out his hand and showed me what he was holding. He offered it and I couldn't decide whether I should take it or not."

"What was  he holding Garrett?"

"A basket. He reached in and took out a purple flower. Like the kind down in the courtyard."

"A hyacinth?" Alfie suggested. Garrett shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno". He replied.

"What else?" Alfie urged him on and grabbed his notebook and pen from his nightstand drawer.

"Next he took out two eggs. He put one in each hand and in one hand they were cracked and in the other was good.  He kept pulling out eggs, some cracked and some good. He would put the the cracked ones back in the basket and handed me the good ones until my hands were full.

He looked over at Alfie who just encouraged him to go on with a slight nod of his head.

"Then Cal turn Ed around and whistled and a  dog came running over to us. The  dog looked really friendly, ya know?"

Alfie smiled and nodded.

"He smiled and handed me the leash. I couldn't decide if I wanted to take it so I just stood there holding the eggs. He didn't do anything, he just stood there holding the leash and smiling."

Garrett felt better telling Alfie about his weird dream.

"Well some of it makes sense. The purple hyacinth is a symbol of forgiveness." Alfie said and grabbed for his phone. "Let's Google the rest. I think the eggs would symbolize new life. Let's see" he said looking at his phone. "Well eggs also symbolize fertility but I don't think that's it" he laughed and winked at Garrett who laughed and shook his head at him.

"Well let's go with new life. One was good, the other cracked so it was rotten. He was  offering you the good ones, so a good new life."

"Wow. I don't go for this stuff, or horoscopes or palms readings. I'm a simple man, but this kinda hits the nail on the head doesn't?"

"It's not a coincidence, that's for sure. Let's see about the dog." It took him a moment until he found it.

"Well this is interesting. Dogs represent loyalty, friendship and by him offering you the leash he is offering you both."

It took Garrett several minutes for him to process it. Forgiveness, a good new life, friendship, loyalty? How can this be? Was Cal offering him these things?

Garrett knew it was an accident. He knew Cal didn't purposefully push him in the fire. He understood that even as a child that it was a mistake and he was never mad at Cal. He was angry at the situation. He was angry he was bullied at school, abused at home, painful burns scarring his body, abandoned by his parents, shuffled off to foster care and he and Allison left to fend for themselves. He never thought Cal was to blame. He wondered why he wanted to contact him now.

Why would Cal, even in his dream, offer him a good new life, friendship, loyalty? He had them in his life now. His new life with Alfie, his friends and family.

"Alfie, I don't get it. I have all of these things now". Garrett laid back down in bed.

"I don't know love. I think you should think about it, see if you want to meet him. I think that's what it all means. Let's go back to sleep though Bear." Alfie laid down and wrapped himself up in Garret's warmth.

"Good night again Alfie. I love you". He kissed the top of his head and squeezed him a little closer.

"Night Bear. I love you soooo much" he emphasized with a hug around his waist.

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