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Tamaki, tamaki, Tamaki. I could talk about him all day he's so amazing but i won't. In this part I'll only talk about this question:
If Tamaki ate part of a human could he manifest their quirk if it was physical?
Think you have the answer, tell me in the comments cause I REALLY need to know. I WANT TO SLEEP AGAIN!!! >>>

So what do we know about his quirk? We know that he manifests the traits of anything he has in his system. Such as tentacles or vines with fruit. So if he can take the traits of fruit he should be able to take the traits of anything.

Say he was held hostage by villains (never would happen because he's too good of a hero but let's just go with it) and as a form of torture they cut same flesh off Hagakure and force him to eat it. He could take her physical traits like he takes tentacles from an octopus. Meaning he could make part of himself invisible.

Me writing this out kinda made me realise he COULD! except he wouldn't because he's best boi and doesn't want to hurt anyone. He wants to support and encourage and overall is the best!!!

Anyway he can manifest people's quirk if it's physical traits. I don't think he would be able to have Midoriya's quirk though.


It's simple really, even though his quirk is 'physical' it's not something simple like Bakugo's where Tamaki could just take the traits of his hands and sweat then explode it.  Instead One For All has to be activated.

I think to do it you kinda just think activate or something. It doesn't seem hard but it isn't a thing Tamaki can manifest. Cause he manifests physical things, parts of the person/creature/thing and the green lightning isn't really attached to Midoriya.

Sorry it's confusing. As I was writing it I was getting a bit muddled myself but hopefully you get the couple of points I made.

Thanks for reading, you're amazing and it makes my day seeing the amount of reads slowly increase.

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