What's the trouble?

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It has been almost 3 years after the war. Harry and Ginny just moved into their new house after having lived at the Burrow for a long time. There was some work on the house, but that's all done now. They hoped today would be their calm day.

Harry and Ginny are in their rather large living room sitting on the couch. "Well Gin what do you think?", Harry asked. Ginny smiled at him "It's amazing Harry, took us some time to find a place just for ourselves". "I'm proud of how nice we made this house", Harry said. Ginny nods in agreement "It's our home, but the Burrow will always have a special place in my heart". "And with me too", agreed Harry.

There have been rumours that the park near their house has criminal activities going on and that there were many incidents, but since Harry and Ginny moved in it seemed to be calm. It won't scare them anyway, they survived a war after all.

There is a knock on the front door. Harry and Ginny look at eachother. "I'll go watch", says Harry as he gets up. "Just be careful love, I don't believe the rumours, but I don't want something to happen to you", says the redhead with a loving smile. Harry kisses Ginny's cheek "Don't worry, I'll be okay". He walks over to the front door and opens it. A police officer is standing at the door and looks at Harry "Good morning sir". Harry is a bit confused "Morning officer, is there anything I can help you with?". The officer nods "Mind if I come in?". "Not at all", says the black haired boy as he lets the officer come in.

Harry leads him to the living room where Ginny is still sitting on the couch. She looks at them "Officer is there a problem?". "We are going by all houses currently to look if someone saw anything", replies the officer. Ginny looks at her boyfriend. "Is this about the problems there'd be in the park?", he asks the officer. The officer nods "If you have any information please let me know". "Sir we moved in about a week ago and we haven't heard or seen anything weird", said Ginny. The police officer nods and gives them a note with his number on it "If you see something please contact me, this morning someone has been murdered in the park and someone went missing."

Harry and Ginny look shocked at the officer. "Who was it?", asks Harry. The officer replies "A middleage woman has been killed, and her little boy has been taken, eye witnesses said it looked like he's her son". "Oh that's awful for that boy, first losing his mum and then this", Ginny said as she looks at Harry. The chosen one nods "If we see anything we'd let you know". The officer nods "Thank you, have a good day" and he walks out of the house.

Ginny looks at Harry "We're not letting this happen right?". "Absolutely not", Harry replied "Now we know what they were talking about". Ginny nods in agreement "Murders and kidnapping it looks like". Harry offers his redhead his hand "Want to go on a walk?". "In the park you mean?", Ginny says as she takes Harry's hand. Harry nods "Yes, also have a look around". Ginny gets up and puts on her jacket and Harry does the same. They both walk outside and Harry closes and locks the door.

They make their way to the park while holding hands. Harry looks at Ginny "Are you scared?". Ginny shakes her head "Not scared, just worried for all the people there". "Same goes for me", Harry agrees. The black and red haired couple arrives at the park not much later. There are 2 police cars and some officers talking with people all around the park. There is also an area taped off with police tape, the place where the woman died

"This looks very serious", Harry says. Ginny hits him on the back of his head "There was a murder and a kid has been kidnapped, of course it's serious". "Sorry, sorry", Harry says as he looks around. Ginny also looks around and then whispers to Harry "It sucks that we can't use a bit of magic to track any possible attacker". Harry nods in agreement and whispers back "It would help, but it's too risky with someone seeing us".

Harry and Ginny stay close to eachother as they walk around, looking for possible clues. Except all that's going on with the police it looks like a normal park with some small alleyways near it. "See anything out of the ordinary?", Harry asks Ginny. The redhead shakes her head "You?". Harry sighs "Nothing yet". 

"I wonder how this park is still open if it's such a big trouble place", Ginny says after a bit. "I don't know, it looks like a fun park for kids and adults", Harry replies as he points at a playground with swings and a slide. Ginny looks at the playground and sees something there "Harry is that a little girl?", she says as she points at a little girl. "I think so, should we talk to her?", Harry asks his girlfriend. Ginny is already dragging Harry along to the girl as he asks that "Of course that's a yes". Harry smiles and walks with Ginny to the girl who's sitting at a bench.


That's it for the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed

This is the first time I write a fanfiction like this, let me know if it looks good

The inspiration is a combination of Hinny and a roleplay

I don't know when I'll post the next part since I have a busy life

Until next time

The Troubled ParkWhere stories live. Discover now