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The commander smiles at the 3 of them, he is quite muscular, visible under his clothes and kevlar vest. That's because of all the training he had, no one gets the commander rank with ease. "You just helped us too you know", the commander tells them. Ginny raises an eyebrow "Why's that sir?". Commander Frankers takes a look at Lana's dad "He was wanted over the whole country, maybe international too". "Is he some kind of leader of some network?", Harry asks. Frankers nods "The biggest trafficking network I've ever seen". 

Lana curls up, feeling very guilty of being involved with something that big, she didn't even know it was that big. Then she remembers something and looks at Harry and Ginny "I want to go to the park". The couple looks at eachother and then at Lana. "Why?", Ginny asks. Lana sighs "Remember the hole in the ground?". "Yeah, why?", Harry asks. "We need to go back there, there is something I need to pick up", she replies. Ben looks at the commander "You think that's possible commander?". "No, it's not cleared yet", he replies as he shakes his head, then he looks at Lana "Can you show us where, you lived with them?". Lana burries her face in Ginny's chest, scared to answer. 

Ginny strokes Lana's hair "You would be a great help Lana, you know that right?". Lana nods still clearly scares to answer. She doesn't want to remember what happened at that place. All that pain she had and caused. Yet she knows she has to, to end the pain of everyone there, mainly the kids who are still there, she doesn't care about the people criminals, not at all. 

The commander looks at Harry and Ginny "Any chance?". "We wait for her answer", says Ginny "She's already been through enough and we won't force her into doing anything she doesn't want or isn't comfortable with". Lana looks at Ginny "Mummy?". "Yes Lana", Ginny says with a smile. "It's okay... I'll show them...", she replies while stuttering. Ginny picks Lana up and holds her "Are you sure about that Lana?". "Yes... I want them free... and those bastards to pay...", Lana stutters. 

Officer Ben smiles softly, he was scared Lana won't help them, not to protect them, he surely understands she won't want to protect those guys, more that she would be scared of the memories from there. He looks at commander Frankers "Make sure they're safe commander". "Of course", Frankers replies, and he looks at Lana "Are there other children?". Lana nods "Most likely...". "Then we will try everything to get them out unharmed, okay?". Lana nods, hoping no kids will get harmed.

The commander looks at his squad "Prepare to move, I'll be right there". The men nod and leave with Lana's dad. "Should I come along to the park?", Ben asks. "You can, just make sure you're safe", Frankers replies. Ginny looks at the commander "How will Lana show you?". "Would you like a ride in an armoured car?", commander Frankers says with a smirk as he looks at Lana. Lana looks at Harry and Ginny "Can I?", she says almost excited. "They can come along little girl", the commander says. "Do you want to Lana?", Harry asks Lana. Lana nods "I'd really like to". Ginny strokes Lana's hair "Then we do it, okay Lana?". "Yes", Lana replies. Frankers nods "Alright then, come with me then", and he walks out. Ben follows him. "Want me to carry you?", Ginny asks Lana. Lana nods with a soft smile. Harry smiles at them "Then lets go", He says and he walks out with Ginny who's carrying Lana.

Outside there are 2 armoured cars, both ready to leave. Commander Frankers walks outside and looks at one of them "You can go, get that man locked up". The driver of the car nods and starts it, salutes to the commander and drives off. The commander salutes back as he sees the car driving away. Ben walks outside and looks at the commander "Any chance I can get in too?". Frankers chuckles "Of course, get in". The officer smiles and gets in the back of the other armoured car. Harry and Ginny who's carrying Lana walk over to them. "Ready?", the commander says as he sees them coming. All 3 of them nod. "Get in then", Frankers says as he opens the back door of the car. Harry gets in, Ginny puts Lana in and then gets in herself. The commander closes the door and gets in the front seat next to the driver "We go the park, and then get those kids free, everyone copy?". "Sir, yes sir", the whole squad says in response. The driver starts the car and drives to the park.

They arrive a bit later at the park. Commander Frankers looks at Lana "What house is it?". Lana looks out of the window "A bit further". Ginny smiles at Lana and strokes her hair "You're doing great". "Only to save the other kids there", Lana replies. "When this is done, we'll get you some ice cream, okay Lana?", Harry says. "Yeah, that sounds great", Lana says while she still looks outside. Frankers looks at Harry and Ginny "You adopted her?". "Not yet", Ginny replies and looks at Lana who's still looking out of the window "But we'd like to". "Left", Lana says as she turns to Ginny with tears in her eyes "Do you mean that...?". The armoured car turns left while Ginny nods with a loving smile. Lana looks at Harry for his reaction, seeing him nod in approvement.

"Is it possible...?", Lana asks carefully. Ben smiles at them "Yes it is, you just need to sign the right papers". Lana smiles and quickly looks outside again, almost forgetting what they were doing "Almost there". Commander Frankers nods "Alright men, we don't want any children to die. We do this quick, use that aimtraining, do not shoot until you know who that is. If they're armed we shoot to disarm, only shoot to kill when necessary, is that understood!". "Sir, yes sir!", the squad replies. "Stop, here it is", Lana says. "Alright let's move it men!", Frankers says as he gets out of the armoured car, with the rest of his squad quickly following.


That was the 9th chapter, I hope you liked it

This could be the end of the lead of the traficking network

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I had to

Until next time

The Troubled ParkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang