Lana's story

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Ginny sits down on the couch "Lana sit down, that makes it easier to talk". Lana nods and sits down on the other side of the couch without a word. "No need to be scared Lana", Harry said as he sits down in a chair which is standing next to the couch. Lana looks at Harry and then at Ginny "What is it?", she asks. Ginny takes out her wand "We aren't like you Lana", she says as she shows Lana her wand "We have magic. Lana looks confused at Ginny "Magic? So you say you are a witch of some sort?". "Actually yes", Harry replied "I'm a wizard and she's a witch". "I don't believe you", Lana says as she crosses her arms.

Ginny giggles and points her wand at a vase on the coffeetable "Let me prove it", she said as she does the swish and flick so the vase floats up. "N-no...", Lana stutters "I-is that r-real...?". "Trust us Lana, it's real", Harry replies. Lana just nods, still in shock of what they just said and showed her.

"Lana we will use our magic to protect you", Ginny says calmly. Lana starts shaking out of fear "How can I be sure... How do I know you won't treat me like they did...?!". Harry sighs "I know how it feels to be mistreated". Lana looks at Harry "Not as bad as me". "Days without food... beatings... living under the cupboard...", Harry says as he gets tears in his eyes. Ginny gets up and gives Harry a tight hug "You can cry, it's okay", she whispers in his ear. Harry nods and cries silently thinking of all what the Dursleys did to him in the past.

Lana looks at them feeling bad for what she caused, but she knows her life was worse, at least in her opinion. Harry cries silently in his girlfriends arms while she holds him close and whispers calming words to him.

After some minutes Harry calms down and wipes his eyes. Ginny kisses his cheek and smiles lovingly at him "I love you". Harry smiles back "I love you too Gin, thank you". "Any time", Ginny replies. Lana sits on the couch with her knees to her face, having her arms wrapped around her legs. Ginny takes a quick look at Lana and then whispers to Harry "I think you should talk to her". Harry nods and sit next to Lana and looks at her "Lana?". Lana nods but keeps in the same position.

"What did they do to you?", Harry asks with a soft voice. Lana gets tears in her eyes "so much... so much...". Harry strokes Lana's hair "Do you want to tell us?", he asks with the same soft voice. Lana nods slowly and looks at Ginny "Will you sit down...?". "Of course", Ginny says with a slight smile as she sits down next to Harry. Lana crawls over and lays down on their laps "Don't touch me okay?". They both nod, "So you want to tell us?", Ginny asks Lana with a similar soft voice as Harry's.

"It started at the day they took me", Lana say with tears rolling down her cheeks "I was in the park with my mummy... when a bunch of guys came". Harry and Ginny look concerned at Lana, both expecting the worst. Lana tells them how one of the guys shot the mother down while she was trying to hold on to her. How the guys grabbed Lana and took her away, saying all of that while she's crying about the loss of her mummy. "A few days later those guys showed me... the news paper", Lana says while she's crying her eyes out, "Mother of kidnapped girl... died to her injuries", she says and she burries her face in Ginny's chest while crying. Ginny carefully holds Lana while Harry strokes the little girl's hair.

"They used me...", Lana says a bit later after calming down from her crying "They used me for evil things...". "What evil things?", Harry asks, still using his soft voice. Lana looks at both of them "I didn't want it...", she says "Many died... because of me...". "What do you mean?", Ginny asks, concered but tries to keep her calm voice. "They forced me to talk to parents of children...", Lana says with a clear sound of regret in her voice, she gets tears in her eyes as she says "They took the kids and killed the parents...". Harry and Ginny look shocked at Lana. 

"I didn't want it! I didn't want to do it! They would abuse me if I didn't! They would only feed me a slice of bread if I did it!", Lana says very defensively with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Lana listen", Ginny says. Lana gets up and curls up into a ball on a chair while crying. "We don't blame you Lana", Ginny says with a soft voice "You feel guilty, don't you?". Lana nods slowly "It is all my fault...". Harry puts his hand comfortingly on her shoulder "It isn't, you were forced to and needed it to live". Lana looks at her shakey hands when she says "I have blood on my hands...", she looks up at them "And now they will come after you...".

"We'll be okay Lana, we're fighters", Ginny says soft but confidently. "You don't look like fighters", Lana replies as she looks the couple up and down. Harry takes out his wand and looks at it, then at Lana "We fought in a war". "A war? The 2nd world war? You can't be that old, right?", Lana says very confused about what war they are talking about. "3 years ago we had a wizard war, the 2nd to be exact", Ginny replies "both of us fought in it, against an evil wizard". Lana is shocked "A wizard war? Is that a real war?". Harry nods "It's real, and it's as rough as a war as you might know it". "W-what happened...?", Lana asks. "A lot", Ginny answers.


That was the 3rd chapter, I hope you enjoyed it

When I have spare time the next chapter will come

You'll get to know more about Lana and how important she'll be

Yes it's Lana in the banner, or at least how I imagine her to look

Until next time

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