The fight in the shop

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Harry and Ginny hold their wands up while Lana is shaking in Ginny's arms, the disguise didn't work. The guys aim their uzi's at them. "Give us the girl", one of them says threatening. "You won't get her!", Ginny says with clear anger in her voice. Harry aims his wand at them and says "She'll be staying with us, if you like it or not". 7 more guys walk in, 6 carrying uzi's and the last one unarmed but wearing a mask.

All the armed guys aim at Ginny, Harry and Lana. The little girl is visibly scared and holds tight onto Ginny. The masked guy looks at them "Give us the girl or we'll kill you". "Try us!", Ginny says as she puts Lana down and pulls the little girl behind her. Harry stands besides Ginny, in front of Lana "Why do you want her?! To kill more parents and take more children?!". The guy with the mask chuckles "So, she told you? Well, I'm sorry but I have to kill you". Ginny snaps at him "You won't get her back you hear us!". The masked guy crosses his arms "You can't stop us, you're just another one of those families who will die brave trying to protect Lana".

"You don't know who we are", Harry says. "So? I have 8 guys here aiming at you with uzi's and another 2 further away with sniper rifles, this whole shopping center is on lockdown and no one will get in or out", says the masked guy. Lana is still behind Harry and Ginny, very scared, knowing they aren't lying about it, they told her many times 'We'll do anything to get you back, anything', of course with the dark undertone, they only need her for killing people, taking children and selling them.

Harry and Ginny hold up their wands, a bit worried but not scared. "Those stupid sticks won't do anything, and if you try something, you'll die and we'll have her back", the masked guy says "So you have a choice, give her to us and you might live, or die while protecting her and we get her back". Harry and Ginny look at eachother, knowing they can't win that fight and apparating would be too risky. "What do you pick?", The guy with the mask says.

There is silence for some time, barely anyone is moving, the situation is tense. The couple looks at the armed guys to find a possible way to escape this mess, but most of their concern is Lana. They don't want her to go back to those guys, she just got some strength, she's eating and drinking better, she's sleeping better in their bed. Still having nightmares but they are getting better with 2, in Lana's eyes, amazing people. She still misses her mummy, more than it might look. Every day she thinks about her also blond mummy, but if Harry and Ginny would be okay with it, she'd want them as her parents, call them mummy and daddy. She'd have a small, but loving family, adopted but that's something she won't care about. But there's this now, not knowing if they'll come out of it alive, she's scared, Harry and Ginny is the best family she ended up with. Not only did they take out the team, they really cared about her, most can't even get out of the park with Lana without being shot down.

Lana knows this might be her only chance to tell the couple how she feels about them. She takes their hands. Ginny looks at the masked guy "Give us a bit, please". "10 minutes, no more", the masked guy answers. Ginny nods and kneels down to face Lana, just like Harry. Lana gets tears in her eyes and looks at Ginny "Mummy...?". Ginny is shocked but smiles, quickly wipes away forming tears being happy she's so important to her. Then Lana looks at Harry "Daddy...?". Harry smiles too as puts an arm around Ginny's neck. "Whatever happens... I love you...", Lana stutters while tears roll down. Ginny smiles softly "Come here big girl". Lana jumps in their arms and hugs them tight with tears streaming down her face, knowning it might be the last time she can be with them like this.

The masked guy chuckles again "Such a touching moment, but she's calling the wrong guy daddy". The 3 let go off the hug and look at the masked guy. He grins and takes his mask off. Lana gasps and backs up in shock "No...". "Yes Lana, daddy's back", Lana's dad says with a smirk. Lana starts to get angry. "YOU KILLED HER!", she yells with tears rolling down her cheeks, this time in anger. The dad grins "No no, I didn't pull the trigger". "YOU GOT HER KILLED! YOU GOT MUMMY KILLED", Lana says as she tries to run at him, but Ginny catches her just in time "Don't do it Lana", Ginny says. Lana nods slowly and glares at her dad, really hating him a lot. 

"You really thought coloring her hair red would be a good disguise? We're professionals, we see through such a stupid disguise", The little girl's dad says with the same smirk "Only 3 minutes left before we get her back, with or without killing you, but seeing as you act, we'll have to kill you". Ginny and Harry stand up, and again pull Lana behind them. "It looks like you made your choice", The dad says "Be ready to fire". the couple hold their wands up, not sure if they can block all the bullets, but they will surely try their best.

Lana then walks in front of Harry and Ginny with tears streaming down "Stop!", she says with a shakey voice. Everyone there looks at Lana, her dad raising an eyebrow. "Don't hurt them", Lana says with tears streaming down her face again "Don't hurt them and I'll come with you", she says. The dad nods "Fine with me, but-", but he gets cut off by the ringing of his mobile phone "Hold on", then he looks at his men "Don't let them out of your sight". The guys nod and Lana's dad picks up the phone "What?". The 3 look at eachother and Ginny whispers "Any idea who that is Lana?". Lana shakes her head "Could be anyone". 

"You're too late", Lana's dad says later in the call "They're going to die". At that moment special forces run in and shoot the armed guys before they can even get a shot off. Meanwhile Harry and Ginny hold tight onto Lana to protect her. The commander of the special forces walks in together with police officer Ben. The officer sees them and walks over while the commander cuffs Lana's dad.

"It's okay, it's over", Ben says when he stands next to the couple holding Lana. The young girl looks at Ben, quickly wiping her tears away. Harry and Ginny get up and put their wands away quickly. "Thank you", Harry says. Ben smiles at them "Don't thank me, thank commander Frankers and his team". The commander walks over and shakes Harry's and Ginny's hand "I'm commander Frankers", he says. "T-thank y-you sir", Lana stutters. "You're welcome, all 3 of you", the commander response


That was it for chapter 8, I hope you enjoyed it

Lana's dad is one hell of an awful guy

Lana really had a moment of emotion, let me know what you thought of it

Until next time

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