Getting involved

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Harry and Ginny explain to Lana what happened in the war, about who Voldemort and death eaters were, about people they lost and what good people they were. Both choke up in their words at times, yet not tears are shed. Lana listens to them with interest, she doesn't know a lot about wars like they are in the muggle world, but it sounds like how a war would be, except with magic and possibly more destruction.

"And that are the most important parts", Harry says. Lana looks at Harry "You really beat that noseless guy?". Ginny nods "Yeah he did, everyone was there". "It was because of a prophecy, Tom Riddle also known as Voldemort marked me as his equal", Harry says as he remembers what the prophecy said. "It could have been Neville, a friend of us", Ginny follows up. Lana nods thinking she understands what they mean "That was qu-", she says but she cuts herself off as she hears something and looks around.

Harry looks around "What is it Lana?". Lana crawls deep into the chair and starts shaking "They are here... They want me... and they'll kill you...". Harry and Ginny look at eachother and take out their wands. "We won't let anything happen to you Lana, you had it hard enough already", Ginny says confidently. "You don't know what you're dealing with", says Lana with a shakey voice. Ginny holds her wand up ready to fight "They don't either" with Harry nodding in agreement.

A black haired guy breaks through the window holding a pistol. Harry quickly turns to him and aims his wand "Stupefy", he says as a white spell shoots from his wand. The guy gets hit by the spell and falls half through the window he broke, he hits his head on the outside wall and passes out. 

The 3 hear glass break in the kitchen. "Stay with Lana", Ginny says to Harry, almost commanding. Harry nods in agreement as he sees his redhead girlfriend walk into the kitchen. In the kitchen Ginny meets 2 armed guys wearing black masks and black clothes. Ginny holds her wand up as both guys aim their guns at her. "Move and you're dead", one of them says. Ginny smirks "Try me". Both guys shoot at Ginny. "Protego", Ginny says as she waves her wand, blocking the bullets.

Both guys are shocked at what they just saw, no idea what it even was. Ginny uses this to her advantage "Expelliarmus", she says and the spell shoots from her wand. One of the guys loses his gun as the spell hits it, the guy himself stumbles backwards and trips over a chair making him fall to the ground. The guy who is still standing is very confused about what's going on, yet starts shooting Ginny again. Ginny waves her wand as she says "Protego" to block the bullets again. "I really start to hate your type", she says as points her wand at him "Incarcerous". A rope flies from her wand which ties up the guy and he falls down. Ginny walks over to him and puts a lose strand of hair behind her ear "What do you want?", she says as she points her wand at him. The guy struggles against the rope "The girl", he says with a deep demanding voice.

"Yeah that's a no, you will never get her", Ginny replies, "She already had way to much for any person in the world, even worse that she's so young, and now enjoy time im jail, Petruficus Totalus", she says as she flicks her wand at him, petrifying him. Ginny uses the same spell on the guy on the ground, who was about to get up.

Meanwhile 3 more guys break in through the front door, all of them aiming rifles at them "Give us the girl", the one on the front says. Harry shakes his head "Get through me first", he says as he holds his wand up, making sure he's in front of Lana. The little blond girl is visibly scared and shaking. All the armed guys laugh "We'll make it quick then", another one says as all 3 start shooting Harry. Harry waves his wand in response "Protego", he says which block the bullets. 

The 3 guys are confused. Ginny apparates behind them and punches one in the head "Leave them the hell alone!". Harry smirks and waves his wand at them "Incarcerous, Ginny!", he says as a rope flies out of his wand. Ginny quickly apparates next to her boyfriend, just before the ropes tie up the 3 guys at once. "Stun them?", Ginny asks. Harry nods "And a needed memory wipe, they can't know. We need to call the police". Ginny looks around the room "We need to repair the damage" and is about to wave her wand, but Harry stops her. "Not yet, else the police will suspect something", he says. "Yeah, sorry I forgot", Ginny says as she quickly shoots 3 stunning spells at the guys, knocking them all out.

"You actually beat the usual group", Lana says in surprise, yet she's still shaking. "First group?", Ginny asks, a bit worried about what else could come. Lana nods slowly "There are many groups, this is the group who always took me back, until now", she says as she smiles softly. "You've been through enough of this Lana", Harry says with a smile. Ginny looks at Harry "You call the officer who came here?". Harry nods and goes to look for the note he left. 

"Will they go to jail?", Lana asks, hoping they'd say yes. Ginny nods at her "Locked up, hopefully never to be seen again". "And about your magic? They can't know about that right?", Lana asks Ginny. "They'll forget about it", Ginny says as she points her wand at the 3 guys "Obliviate". The spell makes them forget about the magic Harry and herself used against them. Lana looks at it "What did that do?". "It made them forget about the magic", Ginny says as she does the same with the guy hanging unconcious in the window and the 2 guys in the kitchen "And that's all of them". "Thank you for protecting me", Lana says, now sure she can trust the magical couple. "You're welcome", Ginny says smiling at Lana.

Harry walks over after just having finished the phonecall "The officer is on his way".


And that was the 4th chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

First time writing a fighting scene like this, I hope it was good to understand what was happening.

There is of course a lot more coming, when I have time I make another. This is only just the start of what those criminals are capable of.

Until next time

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