Making it official

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Harry and Ginny both sigh in relief. "What did you even do? How did you do that?", the commander asks Harry and Ginny. Harry and Ginny look at eachother. "Lets get back to the others first", Harry says. Frankers nods and walks out, with his squad and the kids following except one. The boy walks over to them "Thank you Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley". Harry and Ginny both look confused. Ginny crouches down and asks "How do you know our names?". "Everyone knows you", he replies. "What's your name?", Harry asks him. The boy replies "Frank, and I'm 6 years old". "You are from a magical family, aren't you?", Ginny asks. Frank nods "Yep". "We'll get you back to your parents, but we have to change the memory of this from the other children and the soldiers", Harry tells him. "Okay, I know", Frank says. Ginny picks Frank up and walks out carrying him, Harry follows them.

Outside the soldiers are letting the children into their armored car. Lana is just outside of it together with police officer Ben. "Where are they? Are they okay? I don't want to lose them", Lana says as she gets tears in her eyes. Commander Frankers walks over to them "They're okay, they're just a bit later since one of the kids stayed to talk to them". Lana nods and wipes her tears "I'm just scared...". "We know that, but we know they're coming back", Ben says to Lana. Harry and Ginny walk out of the house with Frank and walk over to them. Ginny puts Frank down "Go ahead and get in the car". Frank nods and gets into the armored car, sits next to the other kids. Lana runs over to Harry and Ginny and hugs them tight "I was so worried...". Both hug back. "We're fine Lana", Ginny says. Harry nods and crouches down, whispers to Lana "He was a kid who knew about us and magic". "You need to wipe the memories of the others?", Lana whispers back. Harry nods in agreement and whispers back "That's the rule". Lana nods slowly.

Frankers looks at Harry and Ginny "So please explain what you did". Harry sighs "We have magic, but with our laws no one can know about it, we need to change your memories so you don't know about it". "Magic? You think I believe that?", the commander says as he chuckles, totally not believing what Harry just said. Ginny rolls her eyes and takes out her wand, does the swish and flick aimed at the commander's helmet "Wingardium Leviosa". The helmet levitates off his head. Commander Frankers looks up at his helmet, very confused. Ginny let's the helmet land in Frankers' hands and puts her wand away "We always need to keep it hidden from muggles, people without magic, and we need to keep it that way". Frankers is still shocked as he puts his helmet back on "So we won't remember what you did?". "You will remember it as something else", Harry says "Something without magic". "We need to do that for all of you". Commander Frankers and officer Ben nod. "The kids too?", Ben asks. "All except 2", Ginny replies "Lana, who will live with us and-". Lana hugs Ginny tight as she says that, knowing she will have people around her who really care about her. "-and Frank, one who already came from a magical family", Ginny continues to finish her sentence as she hugs Lana back and smiles.

"Are you okay with us doing it now?", Harry asks the commander and police officer. Both nod. "Do my men and the children too while you're at it, just to have it over with", Frankers says. Harry and Ginny nod and take out their wand, start to change the memories of everyone except Lana and Frank to make them forget about the magic they saw.

When that's done Lana looks at Harry and Ginny "Will I be a part of your family?". Ginny smiles and picks Lana up, hugs her tight "Do you want to?", Ginny asks her. Lana hugs back and nods "I'd love to". Harry smiles at Ginny and she smiles back. "Come to the police station tomorrow, I'll have the adoption papers ready for you", Ben tells them. All 3 of them smile. "I get a loving family again!", Lana says in excitement. "Of course", Harry and Ginny say at the same time. The police officer smiles at them "Am I right to expect you there tomorrow?". "Yes!", Lana says, still very excited. "We'll be there", Harry says. Ben smiles and nods "Good, see you there tomorrow". 

The next day Lana wakes up first of the 3 of them, this time not from a nightmare, but from excitement. She quickly gets out of bed and gets dressed "I will stay with them forever", she says to herself. Ginny slowly wakes up and looks at Lana "Hey there", she says sleepily. Lana smiles "Morning mummy". "Had a nightmare", Ginny asks as she sits up and rubs her eyes. "Nope, just very excited", Lana replies. Ginny smiles and pulls Lana into a tight hug "You really want us to be your parents huh?". "Very very very very very much!", Lana says as she hugs back. Ginny stretches and giggles "I don't even know if police officer Ben is awake yet". "I'm just very excited", Lana says. "That's good", Ginny says, not able to stop smiling "Lana what was the name of your real mummy?". "Rachel", Lana answers on a sad tone. "I didn't mean to upset you", Ginny says as she strokes Lana's once again blond hair. Lana sighs "I know mummy, it just brings up painful memories, even though she was a great mummy", she says with a slight smile at the end.

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