The Police

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Not too long after Harry called the police officer arrived at the house. "What the hell happened here", he said when he takes a quick look at the house. He walks over to it and knocks on the door "I hope that they're okay".

Harry opens the door and looks at the man in uniform "Good afternoon officer". The officer looks confused at Harry "It doesn't look like you had a good day", he replies. "Yeah, well, we have information on the people terrorizing the park", Harry says with a bit of doubt in his voice. The officer nods "Lets talk". Harry nods in agreement and lets the officer in.

Ginny is with Lana in the living room, Lana still visibly shaken up from the attack. Ginny tries to calm her down by holding her new blond friend in her arms and stroking her hair. "It's okay, you're safe Lana", Ginny tells Lana. Lana nods, yet she still has her doubt about being safe there, knowing there's much more out there.

Harry walks in with the officer. The officer looks at them and sees Lana "I don't remember the little girl from earlier". "She's new with us", Ginny replies. Lana again just nods, too nervous to say anything. "She's shaken up after what just happened here", Harry says to the officer. The officer nods "I can understand that, where are the attackers?", he asks them. Harry point at the kitchen "They're there, tied up". The officer walks into the kitchen and sees all the guys tied up "I didn't expect you to take down these attackers", he says as he walks back over to them. Ginny smirks "We've seen and done more than you'd expect, we're fighters". Harry nods in agreement.

The officer nods and takes out his phone "I have to make a call to get these guys taken away". Harry and Ginny nod. "Do what you need to do", Ginny says. The officer nods and walks into the hallway. Harry looks at Lana "He will help". Lana shakes her head quickly "He would be in danger if he knows". "His job is dangerous on itself", Harry says, knowing more about muggle police than Ginny. She looks at Harry "They're like aurors right?". "Yes they are, but without magic of course", Harry replies with a small chuckle. Lana looks down "I don't want to put more people in danger... too many have died already...". Ginny holds Lana in her arms "And we'll make sure no more innocent people will get hurt or worse". Lana nods, still doubtful.

The officer comes back over "Another police car will arrive soon to pick these guys up and take them to jail". "They need to be in an armoured car, else they'll get free again and the drivers killed", Lana says quicky, not realising that she did. The officer looks confused and shocked at Lana "What do-". Harry quickly cuts him off "Do as she says, please". "But how does-", the officer says before being cut off by Ginny "We'll explain, but you have to believe us". The officer nods in agreement and takes out his phone, calls a number ""Yes it's me again... You send them off already? Okay good, listen, we need to have an armoured car to transport those guys else things could go very wrong... How I know?", and he looks at the couple and Lana "Private sources... Okay thanks... Talk to you later". He ends the call and puts his phone away "The armoured car is coming". Lana sighs in relief, still not realising she revealed to know more about what's going on.

"How do you know?", The officer asks Lana. Lana instantly goes pale, now realising what she did "ehhh... I... ehhh...", she stutters very nervously. "Lana, are you okay?", Ginny asks with a soft voice. Lana quickly shakes her head. The officer crouches down in front of Lana "I only want to help you, you know that right?". Lana nods slowly, holding close to Ginny. "My name is Ben", the officer says in a softer voice. "He just wants to help and get those guys locked up", Ginny whispers to Lana. "It will put him in danger...", Lana whispers back with a shakey voice "I don't want more people to get hurt because of me...". Ginny holds Lana and whispers "That won't happen, trust me". "Not yet... please... let it be for now...", Lana whispers while getting more scared. Ginny looks at officer Ben "She doesn't feel comfortable telling you now".

Ben nods "I understand, I'm sure this is a lot to take in". "Yes... too much...", Lana says. "I'll get some people to get the damages repaired", Ben says while looking at Harry and Ginny. "No need, we can fix it ourselves", Harry says. Ben raises an eyebrow "Are you sure?". Harry and Ginny both nod. "We'll be okay", Ginny says confidently, knowing they can just fix everything with the wave of a wand. Ben nods and hears a heavy car arrive "The armoured car is here". 

Outside several militairy soldiers get out of the armoured car and go over to the door, the commander of the group knocks. Ben walks over to the door and opens it "They're tied up in the kitchen". The soldiers nod and walk in one after another to the kitchen. Lana starts shaking in Ginny's arms, scared of the armoured and armed soldiers. Ginny holds Lana tight and whispers "They're here to get those criminals and will leave after". Lana nods, but is still scared. The soliers pick up the guys and the commander walks over to Harry and Ginny "Thank you for getting these guys, they are suspected to be responsible for multiple murders". Lana nods subtly knowing they for sure are, but hopes no one notices her nod.

"You're welcome", Harry and Ginny say at the same time, to everyone's surprise. Lana lets out a small giggle. The soldiers nod, "Time to get them out", The commander says while he walks out, with the soldiers following holding the attackers. They all get back in the armoured car and drive off.

Ben looks at all 3 of them "If you want to talk about it, give me a call, lots of people can get saved if you have the good information". "We'll give you a call when she's ready", Harry says. Lana nods slowly in agreement. Ginny smiles at Lana, hoping she'll start to trust them enough to get to know how the criminals can be stopped. Ben smiles a little "I better get going then, I hope to hear for you soon". "We hope we can help", Harry says as he leads Ben to the front door. Ben holds out his hand "Thank you already for giving us hope on solving hopefully many cases". Harry shakes the officer's hand "You're welcome". Ben nods and walks out, gets back in his car and leaves.

Harry walks back to Ginny and Lana, "Ready to see some magic", Harry says as he looks at Lana. Lana smiles softly and nods. Harry and Ginny both take out their wands and wave them, the house starts fixing on itself while Lana looking at it in awe.


And that's the 5th chapter, I hope you enjoyed.

Officer Ben will be the one completely involved in this.

Lana is still scared of what could happen if she tells someone else, since she's seen it going wrong way too many times.

Next chapter will come when I have spare time, and since my one week break is almost over I can't say when that is.

Until next time.

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