The girl

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Ginny sits down next to the girl. She's blond and quite young, wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants. Harry notices some bruises on the girl's hands and face and whispers to Ginny "She has been beaten up?". "I think so and I hate it", Ginny replied. The girl moves away a little, to the side of the bench. Ginny looks at the girl "Hey". The girl doesn't look at them as she replies "Hey...". "Are you parents around?", asks Ginny. The girl simply shakes her head. Ginny slowly moves over to her, but keeps her distance "Where are they? Do you have a number?". The girl shakes her head again and looks down.

Ginny looks at her boyfriend hoping he can help. Harry kneels down in front of the girl "Your parents are dead, aren't they?". The girl nods and quickly wipes away forming tears. "I never knew my parents, they died when I was barely one year old", Harry told her. Ginny smiles at Harry, proud of him because of talking to a young girl hoping to comfort her. The blond girl looks at Harry. "Hey", Harry said. The girl quickly looks around, worried of something. "What's wrong?", Harry asked the girl. The girl starts shaking while looking around nervously. Ginny puts her hand on her wand, ready to take it out if something would happen. 

Harry does the same as he gets up and looks around. The girl gets up and looks at one of the appartment complexes located close to the park. Ginny gets up and looks at the girl "What's wrong little girl?". The girl has still barely said a word, but quickly takes their hands and runs away with them. A bullet just flies behind the couple's head and lands in the ground. The officers pull out their pistols and make sure the other visitors get out of the park.

The young girl drags them to a rather big hole in the ground with high bushes around it "Get in here", she said with a nervous shaky voice. Harry and Ginny look at eachother and get in the hole. The girl jumps in the hole and sits down with the black and red haired couple sitting opposite of her. Ginny looks confused at the girl "Okay now please tell us what's going on", she said almost in a demanding tone. The blond girl backs up a little from Ginny. Harry looks at his girlfriend "calm down, she just saved our lives". "Yeah you're right", Ginny replied "I'm sorry", She says to the little girl. "What's your name", Harry asks the girl. "Lana", the girl answers.

"You know more about what's going on, don't you?", Ginny asks making sure she is calm. Lana nods "I do, can I trust you?". Harry and Ginny nod at the same time. "Is this a safe spot?", Harry asks. "The only one I know", Lana replies, still obviously holding her guard up. They can hear sirenes everywhere and they hear shots getting fired. Lana is shaking at the sounds. "It will all be okay Lana", Ginny says trying to comfort her. Lana quickly shakes her head in disagreement "You can't get out of here alive". 

Ginny and Harry give eachother a concerned look. "My name is Harry Potter and this is my girlfriend Ginny Weasley", says Harry as he points at himself and Ginny "And we have been through some bad things". Ginny nods in agreement "We'll get out of here, and if you want you can come along". Lana looks hopeful at them "You really think you can escape 4 snipers?". "4 snipers?!", Harry and Ginny say at the same time. "4 snipers yeah", Lana says and sighs after "They know what they're doing".

Harry looks at Lana "How old are you and how long have you been in this?". Lana looks down "I'm almost 9 years old, and I've been with this for over 3 years". They couple is shocked about this. "You don't want it, do you?", Harry asks. "I hate it! I hate it so much!", Lana says very defensively. "Lana, please calm down, we want to help you", Ginny says. "You can't", Lana says "They would come after you and kill you, like many others". "They abuse you too?", Harry asks already expecting a yes as an answer. 

Lana nods "They do, but I won't tell it while we're, kind of, in public". "I understand, do you know a route to get out?", Ginny asks. "I did", Lana says as she sighs "They found all the routes and I haven't find another. I'm sorry but we're stuck here". Harry and Ginny gives eachother a knowing look. "Should we apparate Harry", Ginny whispered to Harry. Harry nods and whispers back "I would ask Mr. Shacklebolt normally, but that's kind of impossible now". "It would be fine, it's saving for ourselves and her", Ginny whispers "And if there are problems we'll have to obliviate her". Harry nods and offers Lana his hand "We can take you with us, but we'll all have to trust eachother". Ginny also offers Lana her hand "We'll help you Lana, I promise". Lana looks at them thinking "They seem to be okay, and I don't have anything to lose anymore, I'll do it", she takes their hands. Harry smiles softly "Close your eyes Lana". Lana gets a bit worried "Why?". "We won't hurt you, just close your eyes and count to 30", Ginny says comfortingly. Lana slowly closes her eyes and starts to count outloud.

Harry and Ginny smile at eachother and apparate back to their new house with Lana. She keeps counting. "...27 ...28 ...29 ... 30", she says as she opens her eyes again, Lana is confused as how she is in a living room she doesn't know, the one from Harry and Ginny. "Welcome to our house", Harry says while he smiles at Lana. Young Lana takes her hands back quickly "H-how did w-we get h-here...?", she asks confused and scared. "We have a special ability Lana, but you have to promise us to not tell anyone", Ginny replies. Lana sighs and looks down "Who is there to tell? I'm alone". Harry knows how she feels while he remembers his time at the Dursleys "I know how you feel Lana, but we're with you, okay?". Lana nods slowly "It's a promise".


And there you have part 2, I had spare time so here you go

I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think

There's a lot more to Lana then you'd think now

Until next time

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