The shopping trip

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It's a few days later, now the next week. Harry, Ginny and Lana are at breakfast. Ginny looks at Lana "What would you think of going shopping today?". "Shopping for what?", Lana asks. Ginny smiles "Clothes, toys, anything you'd like". Lana looks at both of them "You have the money for it?". "We're fine with money Lana", Harry replies. "They could be there...", Lana says after thinking a bit. Ginny smiles softly and rubs Lana's back "We'll protect you remember?". Lana nods slowly. Harry looks at Ginny and Lana "I have to check something before we go". Ginny kisses Harry "See you in a bit then, we'll get ready". The black haired guy smiles at the girls and disapparates. "Still cool that magic", Lana says with a soft smile. Ginny gets up and smiles, she offers Lana her hand "Come on, we should get dressed". Lana gets up and takes Ginny's hand. They both walk to the bedroom to get dressed.

A bit later Harry comes back and Ginny and Lana are dressed, now they are in the living room. "I talked to the minister, if we need to use magic to protect Lana we're allowed, but we have to obliviate all people who saw it", Harry says. "Is that that forget spell thing?", Lana asks them. They both nod and say at the same time "Yep". Lana giggles "So we can go?". "Of course", Harry replies. "You know where we can go shopping?", Ginny asks. Harry nods "Would it be an idea to give Lana a disguise?". "Yeah, maybe change the haircolor?", Ginny says as an idea. "But how?", Lana asks. Ginny giggles and pulls out her wand. "I'm still not used to it", Lana says as she giggles. Ginny waves her wand over Lana's hair and the color changes to Weasley red "There". Harry smiles and gets a mirror, he gives it to Lana. "It doesn't look that bad", Lana says as she looks at herself.

"So can we go now?", Harry asks the girls. Both nod and Lana takes Harry's and Ginny's hand "I think it's best if I'm like your daughter". Harry and Ginny both nod in agreement. They go outside, lock the door and go on their way to the shopping centre.

They get there without problem, no attacks, no followers. The trio walk into a rather big shopping centre, it has a lot, a grocery shop, a clothing shop, a toy shop, and some more, smaller shops. "Where to fist?", Ginny asks Lana. Lana looks around, impressed of the size. Harry snaps his fingers in front of Lana "You there Lana?". "Sorry, I was just impressed by this place", Lana says, still impressed by the size of the shopping centre. "You never went shopping before?", Ginny asks curiously. Lana shakes her head and whispers "I just got some old clothes and almost always had to wear the same when I needed to go out". Harry and Ginny nod. "So where to first?", Ginny asks again. "Getting clothes", Lana replies after another look around the centre.

The couple smile and walk to the clothing store while holding Lana's hands. Lana looks at the outside and walks in quite excited draggin Harry and Ginny along. The couple smile at Lana. Lana looks around, amazed at the amount of choices there is "Where are the clothes for me?", she asks excitedly, holding herself from jumping around. The couple looks around and Ginny points at a sign which says 'kids' "There, let's take a look", she says as she smiles at Lana. Lana nods and walks over to the kids section Ginny just pointed at, again dragging Harry and Ginny along.

Lana looks around and lets go off their hands. She looks genuinely happy at the still very big amount of choices there are, almost forgetting what happened to her. "We should keep an eye on her", Harry whispers to Ginny. Ginny nods in agreement and whispers back "She still looks very happy though". Harry nods and smiles as he sees Lana looking around. "You want anything Gin?", Harry asks. Ginny raises an eyebrow at him. "What?", he asks confused. Ginny gestures at Lana and whispers "We shouldn't let her go out of our sight". Harry nods and looks around for anyone who could be suspicious, but he doesn't see anyone. Lana meanwhile looks through some clothes, mainly yellow and blue, her favourite colors.

Ginny and Harry stay around Lana and keep an eye out. Lana is still smiling and picks out some clothes she likes, she shows them to Ginny "What do you think?". "They're cute", Ginny replies. Lana smiles and holds onto the clothes. She looks around and instantly grabs onto Ginny "T-they're h-h-here", she stutters. Ginny pokes Harry. He looks at them and sees Lana being very scared and nods. "I d-don't want t-to die...", Lana stutters, clearly scared. "You won't, we promised remember?", Ginny says comfortingly as she rubs Lana's back. Lana nods slowly, knowing they will kill anyone in their way to get her back. She's scared for Harry, Ginny, and all the other costumers and staff in the shop.

There are 2 guys there searching for Lana, she almost knows every single one of them since she saw them daily. Lana hopes they won't recognize her and keeps holding onto Ginny. "Hold her tight, I need to warn the staff", Harry whispers to Ginny. Ginny nods and holds one of her hands on her wand and the other on Lana's back holding her tight. Harry nods and walks over to one of the employees "Sir we need to clear the store now". The employee looks very confused at Harry "Why?". "I would like to explain but that would be too dangerous, armed guys are here and I don't want innocent people to get harmed", Harry replies. "And why should we believe you?", The employee asks.

One of the guys notices Lana and pulls out an uzi from his bag, shoots around with it and many people scream and start running out, the other guy does the same. "Okay I believe you", the employee says, he looks around and yells "EVERYONE OUT NOW!". Everyone quickly leaves the shop. Ginny picks up Lana and tries to run out with her but both guys shoot at them, forcing them to get away from the exit. Harry quickly goes over to the girls and takes out his wand, just like Ginny does while holding Lana protectively.


That was the 7th chapter, I hope you enjoyed it

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I'll try to get the next one out next week

2 might not seem like a lot, but it could be worse

Until next time

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