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"Yah! Give me back my book!" I shook my head and held the book higher as I teased the shorty, Yura.

"Make me," I said as I held it up high and walked along the hallway, towards my locker. Wondering why I had bothered to even get a girl's book, well it's not just any book, it's her diary.

"Please, Hoseok. I need that back." I turned and stared at the sobbing girl, my heart softening a little. "Here. But on one condition, I tell Jin hyung you like him." I smirked as I handed her the book.

"I-I.. Okay.." She nodded and reached out for her book before running down the hallway and disappear at a corner, leaving me to chuckle at her awkward and stuttering self.

"Yah Hoseok! Having fun scaring my fans?" I turned and smirked at Jin hyung, who was walking down the hallway with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon. "Nah. I just want to ask them how they can like such an ugly being like you." I joked as they came closer, which earned a punch on the shoulder.

"Yah, say that again and it'll be your face that I'm punching next." Jin hyung joked before dialling the lock on his locker. "So you coming to today's practise? You missed the last two.."

I shook my head. How had I forgotten there was a practise today? "No, apparently I have a date with the sexy destiny," I wiggled my eyebrows, which earned me punches from all three of them. "Okay, okay. I was just joking, sheesh." I groaned as I rubbed the sore areas of their punches.

"Tell me again why we are stuck with this weird hyung," I raised my eyebrow at Namjoon as the other two gave him looks that said 'how-are-you-so-right-Namjoon'.

"Come on! We don't want to be late. Otherwise, Madam Lee would be slicing our necks again," I nodded and followed the three towards our classroom as I slung my bag to the back and placed my hands in my pants pockets.


"Oh hell yeah! It's lunch time!" I chuckled as Namjoon pumped his fists in the air while rushing out of Mr. Eric's classroom. He hated Physics, and loved food instead.

"Calm yourself down, Namjoon hyung. It's not like you won't have any food once we reach the cafeteria. The lunch ladies always give you the largest portions," Taehyung rolled his eyes and teased Namjoon as the rest laughed.

"I think you're just being jealous." Namjoon added and raced forward, leaving us behind. I shook my head, the smile on my face not faltering as I glanced up ahead and saw a small, petite frame of a girl.

Her long brown hair was up in a tight ponytail and by the looks of her back, she was holding onto a stack of books. Who could that be? I wanted to find out, I wanted to be able to know her. Maybe it's just the hunger talking, but who knows.

"Daebak.." Ignoring Jimin's comment, I continued to stare at the girl. "Hobi hyung got himself a crush!"

I turned and glared at Jimin as the rest of the boys looked towards the direction of the girl. He put his arms up in surrender, but he and I knew this wasn't the end of the discussion. I didn't have a crush on her, I simply just wanted to be friends with her.

"Wow, Hobi hyung. Out of all the girls in the school, you had to choose the most hard to get?" Jungkook teased as I turned and glared at him, my stare hardening as it penetrated through his soul. (Yeah, right.)

"I did not choose her, okay? I just had this sudden feeling that I wanted to befriend her. Like friends? You know, the type that the seven of us share?" I raised my eyebrow, hoping they would leave me and the stupid subject alone.

"Friends?" Yoongi hyung smirked, "Then you won't mind if we use her as a bet, would you?" Now that was the Yoongi hyung I knew. Bets to the group of us were like candy to children.

"The bet is for you to make her fall in love with you. But under one condition, you must'nt fall in love with her. If you do, then the bet is off." I nodded and crossed my arms.

"If you win the bet, we'll give you 100,000won each. Altogether it's 600,000won. And," I raised my eyebrow, listening intently to Jin hyung's offer. "I'll let you drop honorifics to both me and Yoongi for the rest of the school year. But if you lose, you have to pay 75,000won each to us. Deal?"


I said without even thinking of what will happen if I lost the bet and fall in love with the girl.

The Bet [BTS J-Hope] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now