Chapter One

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(You are y/n and you're on a walk to school. Your quirk is Gassy Plant: You can create a type of plant from your back and palms, that produces a gas that knocks anyone who comes in contact with it out.)
     "God, this day is terrible! My own mother wouldn't drive me to school. I mean we just moved here! I can't believe I was so disrespectful to her. I should probably apologize," I say to myself. I looked down at my watch and see that it was 7:40. "DAMN IT! School starts in 10 minutes!" I began to run as fast as I can realizing I'll be late if I don't have a vehicle to ride in. As I finish thinking, I trip over a crack in the sidewalk. Well, I might as well just accept my fate. Then a stranger catches me at the last minute. I  look into his eyes. His handsome eyes. They're a dark purple, but the sunlight was reflecting on it. The sun made his eyes shine. A whole galaxy was inside those eyes. His hair was a deep purple. His hair looked as if it hadn't been brushed in a while. That didn't bother me. Neither did the dark circles. He was quite tall compared to me. He was about 5'9. His pale skin was so alluring.
"Um...Are you ok? You hurt your leg."
"Huh? What about my leg?" I peered down at my leg to see that my knee was bleeding. I must have scraped it. I must've been so entranced in his gaze that I didn't notice the pain. After he bandaged my leg, he began to help me up.
"Your uniform... You attend UA as well?" His sudden question startled me. I didn't know whether to answer him or not but my mouth started to move before I could stop it.
"Yeah. Why aren't you at school? It's 7:45."
"I don't care about being there on time. I like to look over this ledge and see the water. It's so soothing...I always stop my bike here. I could give you a ride... If you don't mind."
"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I tell him. I hop onto the back of his bike.
"Grab my waist." He says. My face turns into a cooked beet. Red and hot.
"W-w-what?" I asked blushing.
"So that you don't fall." He says. I feel so embarrassed as I grab his waist. It's very strong and firm, yet soft. It's so easy to position my hands. Warm. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him. I positioned my head on his shoulder. It was so nice that I almost fell asleep.
"What's your name? I'm y/n by the way."
"Shinsou, Hitoshi Shinsou." He said, and began to pedal the bike into the distance. I look to my left and see the water. The sun was almost fully risen, but the water still glimmered.

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