Chapter 3

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"Mommy?!" I screamed as I looked down at my corpse of a mother. Her wrists, neck, and ankles were slit. Her neck had bruises all over, as if she was strangled. There was a pile of blood everywhere. My own mothers eyes were rolled back into her head. Her mouth was open, as if she was screaming before she was... Wait... Was this suicide or murder? There weren't any weapons around. Only her smashed phone was nearby. "Why... Why my mother? Out of everyone in the world, why her?" She doesn't deserve this. The last thing I told her was... 'I hate you! I wish you were dead!'
Now she is. She's dead. The word tastes like spoiled milk still rotting in my moth. 'Dead' is such a painful word, like a noose around your neck, telling you not to say that awful word. What should I do? Call someone? The police? Heroes? Shinsou? How can I be thinking of a boy right now? I'm an awful person!
I started to scream. For some reason, I didn't cry. I guess I was numbed to bad things happening in my life. My father died of an overdose when I was 5, my brother died in a car crash when he was 20, my sister committed suicide at 16. "Wow. I'm an orphan. Ha!" I began to laugh. I held her hand. It was so cold. She used to be warm. Physically and mentally. She smiled. Now shes cold.
I called the police and they arrived about 30 minutes later. "You're a brave kid. You know that? Are you going to be a hero when you grow up?"
"I failed the exam. No, no I'm not going to be a hero. I'm a failure enough to let my own mother die while I am staring at a boy all day. So, no." He was shocked. He had no words to say so he walked on.
They couldn't find a lead in the murder because there were zero weapons, they told me it was suicide. I didn't believe them. If there weren't any weapons, what's she use to kill herself? Why was she strangled? All of these thoughts rugged into my head. I screamed out loud. I fell onto my knees. "WHY MOMMY? WHY?! WHY DIDN'T THEY KILL ME INSTEAD?" One of the police came up to me and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry!" She sympathized.
Weeks later, I walked to school again. I hadn't been back in a while. But I had been talking to Shinsou about what he'd been learning. I'm still so grateful for him. Nevertheless, I had to walk into the school. No matter what.
"Hey, y/n! What's up?" Shinsou asked me. It was comforting having him act like nothing had happened.
"The sky." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "So, what's going on with you these days?"
"Nothing. I've just been waiting for you. It's good to know you're better. I also like that we know each other better now." Shinsou said
"Yeah! So do you have any plans tonight?" Why did I say that? The words just flew out of my mouth! I don't wanna go on a date with him! Maybe a study session? Yeah! That's a good excuse! "Y'know, like a study night!"
"Oh! Well, I don't mind. Is my place ok?" He asked. I nodded my head. It's be amazing to get out of that house after weeks. I sat down in my desk. The seat was freezing. A chill rushed down my spine.
After school. I gathered my things and hopped onto the back of his bike. It had been so long since I had held him. He was very comfortable with it. I held on tight. I might've even sniffed his hair. His masculine shampoo scent was leaking through. It was amazing. I ran my fingers through it. I couldn't help but notice how silky it was. His ears were red from behind. I could only image that his face was as well.
We arrived at his house. It was a small brick house. He unlocked the door. And I stepped into the house, not knowing what would happen next.

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