Chapter 6

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After what happened, I didn't know what felt real anymore. I couldn't decipher why he chose me. Me? I'm just a boring person with a boring quirk. I was so disappointed and angry, yet, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Why? Why did I feel this way? I could find the answer.
"Hey, y/n, I have news." Shinsou said as he walked into the room, " My d-... Mr. Aizawa, says that you can stay here, for a while."
"What?" I was shocked, I barely know him. I just had s*x with him and now he says he wants me to move in? What the hell? "No!" I accidentally blurted out. Why did I say that? I need to think about it! I need to say that. "I can't. Not with you. I-I barely know you and we just had..." I became red, "anyway! We just did it and I don't know if my mom would want me to!"
He was silent. He just looked me in the eyes and said one word... "okay." Okay?! OKAY? What the hell? He's supposed to convince me not to go, to beg me to stay for as long as he lives. What was he thinking? Then, he walked away.
For the next few days, I couldn't sleep. The moment kept flashing through my head. I could've elaborated. I could've said that I'm willing to try. Why? Why? Why?
The day after, I begged to retake the test to avoid him. No one accepted. I passed Mr. Aizawa in the hall way. I smiled, he looked the other way. That's odd. He usually smiles back. Or at least nods. I thought to myself. I proceeded to walk to my classroom. The moment I opened the door, Shinsou looked me in the eye, then looked away. Shinsou didn't give a damn about me anymore. Maybe I should try to talk to him. I don't want this to continue.
"Hey! Shinsou! What plans do you have tonight?" I asked. He looked at me.
"Whatever plans I have, It's not with you. Never again." He said coldly. I was shocked at his response. Everyone in the room looked at me. I turned red and sat down in my seat.
I was hurt. But, I hurt him too. I don't think that I can forgive myself. I just want us to be happy again.
"Shinsou, I'm sure we can work this out. Please listen. I just want to t-."
"I'm not discussing this in class." His voice cracked at the word class. It was as if he was about to cry. I looked at him and put my hand on his shoulder. He quickly pushed it away. "Just pay attention God dammit!" He screamed at me.
"Young man! Report to principal Nezu's office immediately!" The teacher yelled at shinsou. I looked over at him and then looked away. He didn't want me to talk to him, so I won't. I then continued on with my work.
As he began to walk out of the room, he grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. He ran. And when I say 'ran' I mean that bitch sprinted.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go!" I yelled.
"Just trust me! I know what I'm doing." Shinsou reassured me. The teacher continued to follow us down the hall and up the stairs. Does he really know what he's doing? This can get us expelled.
Shinsou rushed out the doors of the school. For once, I wanted him to let go.

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