Chapter 10

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(First of all, holy cow! I'm so thankful for all of you guys supporting me! 1k reads?! I started this as a birthday gift for my friend but it's become more than that. Thank you for this opportunity!! I don't know why some of your comments are getting deleting and I apologize if I don't see them.)

"Am I free? To go, I mean," I asked shigaraki anxiously. He smiled and grabbed my shoulder. He looked up at me.
"Oh dear, you thought I meant you were free from the league? Oh no no no! I meant, well provide you with a better room. No more of that awful place. You don't go until you kill the man you love! That's why you're never leaving. You'll never be able to do it."
     "What?" I said. I don't love anyone... wait.. that boy! "S- Shinsou!?"I asked nervously. Shigaraki nodded. My heart skipped a beat. I can't kill anyone ever again! "What the fuck?! What is wrong with you?!"
       He began to laugh. "You're pathetic. Your quirk is only capable of doing evil. Why do you think we searched for you?!" He screamed.
       He didn't search for me.. what the hell is going on. I just want to go home. "LET ME GO HOME YOU BASTARDS!! LET ME GO! I DONT WANT TO BE HERE. I don't want to. I don't.." I was out of breath. I began to cry. I looked down at the floor and clutched my fists as I hiccuped. I looked up at shigaraki and scowled. He smiled and I looked away.
      "It's time for bed. Unless you want to go out with us." Toga offered. Shigaraki looked back at her and frowned. She was silent.
     "Sure. Let's take her with us." Shigaraki said. I was shocked that he agreed to such a request. I nodded my head and toga picked out some clothes for me.
      I'll make sure that I don't make any slip ups. If I do, Shigaraki could kill me. We were entering a very sketchy neighborhood. There was a place with a load of neon signs saying "open" "welcome" "we sell:—".
       "Um... What kind of food do they have here?" I asked cautiously. Shigaraki looked over to me and smiled.
      "Mostly noodles! I love love looove their udon! I realllyyy recommend it!!" Toga replied. She elbowed Dabi and whispered something in his ear.
      "I like the chicken..." dabi said. "Someone recommended it to me a while ago."
       Shigaraki looked at me as if he was asking what I wanted. I shook my head. "I don't want anything..." I was honestly still scared that I would be poisoned or worse. Maybe they wanted to kill me off by taking me here. I'm not falling for anything.
        "Oh well." Shigaraki said. I was confused. Why did he play it off. I thought he would've insisted. What's going on? "If you're not going to eat anything, you might as well head home. Go ahead."
         What? I- what?! What the hell is going on here? This could be my chance to escape. No.. just head home. I nodded my head and went out of the door. I waved them goodbye and toga waved back. I kinda forgot my way back and got lost. Whoops...
      "God damnit! Stupid GPS.." I yelled.
      "Hello? Who's there?" A voice called out. It was so familiar.... where have I heard this voice before? A figure came out of the shadows. It was a boy with purple hair. My heart dropped. "Y/n?"

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