Chapter 2

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      "Hey, thank you for the ride this morning. I owe you. I'll do anything you ask."
      "I'll tell you when I need something. It's no big deal." Shinsou said, "I'll show you to our class."
       We had already taken the exam. We both failed. I wasn't fast enough.
       He walked me to class. The teacher told us to state our name and quirk.
      "My name is Chikuchi Togeiki."
      "Tsutsutaka Agoyamato..."
      "I'm Hitoshi Shinsou," blah blah blah, "My quirk is brainwashing." Blah blah- wait. Brainwashing? I can't believe he's brave enough to enroll in this school. Is h-he a villain. How did nobody see this. I have to tell som-
        "Hello? I asked you what your name was, young woman." I was startled. I stood up.
"I'm y/n..." I could stop staring at him. Shinsou. He was too kind to be a villain. His voice was deep and raspy. He only failed the exam because it's focused on physical abilities, but his quirk relies on mental capabilities. I feel so bad for him.
        I saw class 1-A's teacher, Mr. Aizawa. Should I ask him about Shinsou? No, what if he gets suspicious? I-
       "Hello? What're you staring at? Are you ok?" Mr. Aizawa asked. I didn't realize I was staring at him. Crap.
       "Um. Yeah! Sorry, I was just about to ask you a question," I told him, "Do you know anything about Hitoshi Shinsou? I just met him this morning."
      "Yes. He's a student that I've been training. Why?" He replied. What am I supposed to tell him. Because I think he's a villain! No. I have a huge crush on him! Forget it, I'll just lie.
       "No reason!" I say.
      "By the way, I just wanted to tell you that I think you two should've made it into 1-A. I personally believe that the exam testing is flawed. Anyway. I have to go out of town soon. I better get going. After I take a small nap..." then he yawned. Mr. Aizawa then walked away.
        I walked home that evening. I wasn't prepared for what I was about to experience. I don't know how to explain it. I was walking. I looked over to see the water Shinsou talks about. It's so beautiful when the sun is setting. An orangey red with the water shining. It was so sparkly and elegant. Now I know why he loves the water. He's too perfect! He's kind, caring, smart, and handsome. Which one? His sharp jawline that can cut a diamond, or his eyes that shine like the entire universe is inside them? I couldn't explain what he meant to me at the time.
        I had finally reached my home. I touched my soft skirt pockets to find the keys. They rattled in my hand as I tried to find the house key. "Here it is!" I put the key into the lock and opened the door. I dropped my bag in front the the door. "Mom! I'm home!" No reply. "She's just asleep after working so hard." I made myself some Zuko Soba. The steam went into my eyes. "Ah!" I decided to make some extra for my mom.
        After I finished my meal, I went to check on my mother because of her absence. I picked up her bowl of soba. I walked down the hall and knocked on her door. "Mom," I said on the other side of her door, "I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't mean all that stuff. I was awful to you. Please forgive me." No reply. I began to worry and opened the door. I immediately dropped the bowl. The porcelain bowl shattered. Steaming hot soba fell onto my feet, I didn't care. I stepped on the shattered pieces, yet I didn't feel them. I was numb. My toes, my fingers, everything...

Good kitty.. (Shinsou x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon