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Blaise wasn't one hundred percent sure of what had just happened. First he's laughing with Knight about her pranks and then all of a sudden they're yelling at each other about how horrible the others house is. And then she storms out saying he's an arse or something.

Whatever, it's not like he cares. He hadn't come up from his dorm to get yelled at by some bratty Gryffindor. He came because he had missed dinner and was starving, so Lyra Knight could go to hell for all he cared.

Still he shoves the food the house elf served him rather angrily and barely grunted a thanks before he stormed out, and headed back to his common room and up to his dorm, where the others were already passed out.

"Just when I thought we could be civil, you show just what an arse you are, Zabini."

Whatever. Knight didn't know anything. And he didn't give a shit if they were civil or not. He had gone 3 and a half years without her, he sure as hell didn't need her now. Even though they had become civil not even a week ago.

Stupid Knight. She doesn't know anything.

For a few days it was like the Hufflepuffs replaces the Slytherins in house rivalry. It was worse because the lion and badger table were right next to each other. This caused a large amount of food fights to break out and the first throwers, usually the Weasley twins or some 6th year Hufflepuffs, were the first with detentions.

Blaise and most of the Slytherins stayed clear of that. He didn't really minded, but his shirts and trousers were designer and while he could probably bye new ones it was a pain and he'd rather just charm a shield around him and not join in.

The tension only increased when Draco had made the Support Cedric/Potter Stinks buttons. They sold like crazy and soon Blaise couldn't turn a corner without seeing the flash of red and green lights on people clothes.

Blaise almost felt sorry for Potter, even with the rivalry it had to suck when the whole school turned against you. He had heard that even his mate, the Weasley, had cut ties too. And only making it worse we're the Rita Skeeter stories. Blaise wasn't really sure if they were all exaggerated or not but the way Draco had done an interview and droned about Potter made it clear that not all of the articles were completely accurate.

Throughout that week he has walked in on at least 5 fights. Knight got 3 days worth of detention after punching Harper Oakley square on the nose after making a comment about the unworthiness of the Gryffindor house. Oakley and a fractured nose and the Gryffindors had thrown Knight a party. Dougherty had frowned but Blaise saw the Ravenclaw high-five her and clean her broken knuckles.

On the day of the first task, the tension was so high that Blaise was sure a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff would turn up dead. Classes ended midday and student returned to their common rooms to leave their bags and change into school pride clothing.

Blaise only changed to a white dress shirt but Draco forced him into a Support Cedric button and he bregunginlgy walk to the pitch with his friends. Then everyone went down to the grounds, it was so loud that Blaise struggled to hear Draco, who stood less then a foot away. Unfortunately, they had gotten the seats right next to Knight and her friends. The Weasleys loudly accepting bets and Blaise was pretty sure they were selling something else but didn't bother to ask. Dougherty and Knight sat in front of them with other Gryffindors and chatted, waiting for the task to begin.

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