Typical crazy day

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Hello! I am {Y/n} Heartfilia! I live in New York with my twin sister, baby brother and parents! I'm currently 19 and working at a medical facility in the big apple. Yes the heart of the city is where I work, which means that I get extremely busy.

I don't have a major role there, it's just a paid internship that my old coach got for me since he pulled some strings; how? I have no idea. But since it is a internship I don't get that many hours and my parents kinda bash me about it.

But that doesn't matter; it's a great opportunity for me to expand my groups. Not to mention I get to leave early and help my old coach with his team!!

And that's what I'm doing right now! I'm running through the train of 59th Columbus Circle, the shops in the train station always bring tourists so trying to maneuver through the crowd and catch the train can be a big pain. Especially since I have a bunch of paper work my job gave me to organize.

Rushing as fast as I can I was able to run down the stairs and catch the train just in time! I leaned on the train door as it left the station. I walked down the cart to a two seater; sitting closer to the wall I sat back and gave out a sigh of relief.

I was checking the time to see how much I have until I have to meet the coach; I'm on time thankfully. I heard a chuckle; looking up I see a male leaning against the door. He had a baggy hoodie that covered his face.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

His attention was turned me in shocked, normally people won't just talk to random people on the train since we all keep to ourselves but I kinda felt offended he was laughing at me.  But he soon recovered from the shock.

"Oh nothing. Just saw that your nearly made it. You were lucky" he cleared his throat.

"Oh haha yeah I just made it thankfully. I couldn't afford to wait for the other train to come" I gave a small smile.

Turning away I put my headphones in and started to listen to music. It was only this train I have to take luckily.

-30 minutes later-

Rushing out the station and into the streets I had to dodge the teens that were coming out of school to either go home or just hangout. I don't get it? If they hate school so much why would they want to be near it if they have an opportunity to leave?

Shaking my head I shook the thought. Rushing through the front door I was met with the security guards.

"Hey it's {Y/n}!" My favorite guard one said.

"Why you still here gurl! You graduated years ago!" One of the female ones said.

"Haha I just can't keep away from you guys" I gave a playful wink as she they all laughed.

"Coach is in the field early better hurry" the older one spoke from the security room.

"Thanks!!" I called out as I jogged to the coach office, he gave me a spare key for situations like this so I can just open and put my stuff inside.

Having to go through the gym since it leads right next to the field, smiling at a few other students and coaches since they pretty much knew who I was.

I felt my phone vibrate? Taking it out I gave an annoyed sigh when it was my dad. Picking up all I heard was him yelling

"How many times have I told you to stop going to that damn school!! You don't need to keep going back there!" My dad yelled.

"I don't see the problem?? Mother loves coach Eric and he's been with us since I was a freshman! It's my life father not yours" I spat out. Just because he never did such a thing when he was in school doesn't mean that I can't

"You better relax with that attitude." I can practically hear him growl

"Or what? I pay bills I buy my own food I help with YOUR son and I have my own job. All by myself. I don't ask for anything. This is my life father." My heart kinda aches when he talks to me like this. I don't understand why he's so mad all the time.

"Honey leave her alone! We've been through this. Put that phone down and give your son a damn bath!" I hear my mother yell from what I think is the bathroom.

Sighing I hanged up the phone before they can say anything. Running out onto the field my coach waved his hand so he can get my attention. Running closer his eyes narrowed while looking at me.

"It was the same bullshit was it?" He asked while giving me a hug.

I chuckled "Sadly"

"Well come on tell these suckers what's the deal" Coach gave me my whistle, I blew as the team gave me their attention.

A few waved and others cheered my name. I grinned and started shouting out drills for them to do. Smiling I decided to just focus on doing this and just this.

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