Training gone wrong

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The next few weeks was the most devastating and excruciating pain I have ever felt!! Sebastian decides to wake me up before the crack of dawn every day to run for 50 miles?! GOD DAMN 50 MILES?!   

And it wasnt just running. Ohhh no he would make me transform and use one of the Zodiac quirks and do combat training while running; he wanted to see exactly what I can do and cant do. And we both found out really quickly that I have difficulties with transforming into more than 3 Zodiac at a time. I needed either 12-24 hours of rest if I tried to do more than three transformations at a time 

But the good thing is Sebastian figured out what type of foods I need to intake in order to  gain stamina and strength for the certain Zodiacs. I had no idea such a thing can have a affect on it?

Truth be told the closer the school days were coming the more we would train; now he had me going testing out Zodiacs at night!!

Which i kinda liked since there was no people around staring at my scars plus I dont have to hold back. 

For some reason this day I had a bad feeling I couldn't shake it off; it caused me to fuck up in everything! I was distracted while running; Sebastian landed hits where I know I could've blocked or avoided. My mind was stuck on this gut wrenching feeling I couldn't get rid of. Of course Sebastian noticed which was actual upsetting him. 

It was night time and we were at this beach near the water; I was in my sports bra and shorts standing in the freezing ocean water while Sebastian was on the sand in his training outfit. 

"Mistress I understand something is on your mind which is causing you to act this way today; but there are no distractions. Just you and the ocean. Now try using the Aquarius Zodiac."

Even though I know hes frustrated he still talks calmly to me..I cant let him down!! 

I blinked my eyes a few time to activate the closet; scrolling through the signs I spotted the one I needed. Touching the screen my body began to glow that all to familiar white gleam of light. When it was cleared I was in the Zodiac sign Aquarius outfit. 

I liked this one for its design. It had a neck strap that leads to a band that covers my chest; its almost like a body suit with a diamond cut out in the center on my stomach. I soon figured out that this is like a bathing suit material and fabric which helps with the water. A loose see-through cloth wraps around my waist with the Aquarius sign in bright turquoise. It has some really cool gloves that only over the middle finger but I dont mind it.

"Good, now practice the cyclone" Sebastian took a few steps back to observe

Nodding I walked a little deeper into the water; waist high. I closed my eyes to concentrate on what I have to do; I slowly swish my arms in front and behind while trying to gather the water. Its hard to describe the sensation I get when I use this dress? It almost feels like water I running down your arms and to your fingers. Certain moves have different pressure and flow sensation -this one thankfully is the flow of a small stream.

After a few seconds of doing the motion the water started to slowly form around my body; the vortex surrounding my body while slowly lifting me into the air. I had to concentrate on not falling since I don't feel the ground under my feet and its a little freaky.

Once I got the hang of it I was finally able to open my eyes. I saw Sebastian smiling widely at me from below! I never been this high up before! Its amazing!

The wind against my hair, the feeling of the water carrying my body is just breath taking. Im a little glad we are alone since I don't have to worry about anyone looking at me.

No fucking way!?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن