First day of class

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Ahh I'm walking to school... I dont even remember waking up? I havent been getting enough sleep the past few nights due to these horrible flashbacks I'm having. Its on repeat, always the same thing but yet so different.. Its annoying. 

"Mistress youve been quiet all morning? Is everything okay?" Sebastian says while looking down at me while holding my bag. 

I gave a small stretch; followed by slapping my face a few times to make sure I was awake. "Yeah Sebs just nervous" 

When I glanced at him I started to notice my surroundings...we were already at school! Some students started looking at me weirdly since they saw Sebs walking into the building along side me. We are pretty used to people staring but jeez can they make it any less obvious?!

My eyes landed on the huge H shape building...Does H stand for 'Hero'? Thats so cheesy! 

Sebs opened the door for me and I quickly noticed that there wasnt that many kids inside as it is outside? 

"I got special permission from the principle and the school chef if we can eat earlier than normal; The chef knows your situation so he was happy to be of service. Plus when he heard how much you loved food he couldnt resist" Sebastian chuckled while my face goes red

"You cant tell people that!" My voice low just in case someone was near by

"Mistress people will notice eventually, its a good thing. It helps your quirk and you should be proud of that."

Givings small sigh I knew he was right, there was no way of hiding it. Sebastian has to cook my meals everyday so I have the strength for the Zodiac quirks; he decided to give me a little of everything throughout the day so whichever I choose I wouldnt become weak so fast. 

Sebs led me to the lunchroom where the chef was finishing putting out a tray of food. 

"WOW is that for me?!" I quickly ran over as my eyes sparkled at the sight of all the delicious food combinations 

"Haha I've havent seen anyone this excited for food before!" He chuckled while heading back into the kitchen 

"Oh man it all looks so good! Thank you for the meal!" I shout while taking a spoonful of the oatmeal. 

After about 10 minutes I was finished, so Sebastian started to lead me to the classroom. 

"Man that was so good!!" I rubbed my belly feeling satisfied and full of energy 

"Theres that smile. Ive been waiting for it all morning" Sebastian leaned in closer as he whispered that last part to me. 

Flustered I shook my head to try and come up with a comeback but my mind went blank. 

Sebastian just chuckled as he opened the door to the room, which I had no idea we were already at. I paused as I saw a few people already inside. 

A tall boy with glasses, a girl with nice black hair,  a boy with blonde hair and black streak in it? 

It hit me like a truck, the nerves hitting me all at once as I became nervous. My eyes scanned for anyone that I knew but I dont know  a lot of people!!!

My attention was stolen to a duo, the boy with blue hair and glasses yelling at a blonde with red eyes. 

My heart stopped when I figured out who those red eyes belonged too.

"Katsuki!!" I shouted while jogging his way. I wrapped my arms around him as I felt his body tensed

"What the fuck weird eyes! How the hell did you pass?!" He shouted, he didnt pull away but I can tell hes a little angry 

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